Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

492 The Gofpel of the Legal Priefihood. As times of Profperity to the Church ufe to produce many Hypocrites So times of Perfecution commonly produce many Apoftates. As it was formerly, fo it is now in this regard : Thereföre a great part of the Scope of this Epiftle is, to perfwade them to hold fait their Profef ion. It is the firft of thefe Doarines we are to fpeak unto. That fefus Chrift the Son of God is the great High Prieft, of whom the Priefts under the Law were but Types and Shadows. We (hall endeavour to open this a little, and give you the meaning of this Type, the Prieft- bood under the Law, and that under twoHeads. r. What of Chrift was typified by the Priefts, and efpecially by the High Prieft of old ? 2. How or wherein did the High Prieft typify and Shadow forth thefe Things? Queft. r. What ofChrift was typified by the Priefis, and efpecially the High Priefts sander the Law ? d1nfw. Take it in three Things; The Legal Priefthood was a Type. z. Of Chrift himfelf, in his own Perfon. 2. In his Miniflers. 3. In his Members. All which I (hall endeavour to make out unto you, with what Evidenceof Scripture-light the Lord (hall enable me. Andwhen we come to theSecond particular wherein the High Prieft did typify and fhadow forth Chrift, there will be occafion to accommodate them all thefe ways, both to Chrift himfelf, and his Minifters, and his Mom bers. i . The Prieft was a Type of Chrift bimfelfin bis own Perfon. There- fore Chrift is fo often called a Prieft, and an High Prielt, efpecially in the Epiftie to the Hebrews. And he doth appear, and is prefented un- to Sohn as officiating in the Office of a Prieft, Rev. S. 3. and another. Angel came andftood at the Altar, having a Golden Confer, and there was given him much Incenfe. This Angel is Jefus Chrift the great High Prieft of his Church, who Stands with the Golden Cenfer, having much Incenfe given him, that he Should offer it up before the Throne. Here is Jefus Chrift doing that great part of his Prieftly Office, namely mar king Interceon for us. For the Incenfe was a Type of the Prayers and Interceflion of Jefus Chrift,as we have heard. This is the firft Thing ty- pifiedby the High Prieft, the Prieft was a Type of Chrift himfelf 2. The Priefts were Types ofGofpel-Minifters, we read Mal. 3.3. He !hallfit as a Refiner and Purifier of Silver, and he ¡hall purify the Sons of Levi, &c. It is fpoken concerning Jefus Chrift, when heShould come, what he Should do, and the meaning is. he that] fet up apure Gofpel- miniftry. In the lift Chapters of Ezekiel, as the Holy City there, is the Churchof God under the Gofpel : So the Priefts and Levites are the