Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

494 The Gofpel of the Legal Pr efthood. he (peaks to all Believers and faith, But ye are a chofen Generation, s royal Prieftbood, &c. all Believers are holy Priefts unto God. The Analogy lies chiefly in this ; that as the Priefts of old did offer legal Sacrifices, fo Believers offer up Spiritual Sacrifices under the Gofpel :. The Apoftle fo explains it, t Pet. z. 5. re atfo as lively Stones are built up a Spiritual Houle, an holy Priefthood to offer up Spiritual Sacrifices, ac- ceptable to--God by 3efiss Chrift. Thefe Spiritual Sacrifices are Prayer and Pr-aile and Thankfgiving, and univerfal Obedience to all God's Com- mandments. Thefe are Spiritual, acceptable Sacrifices by Jefus Chrift. which Believers offer up now, as the Priefts did typical Sacrifices un- der the Law. We fee then that the Priefts under the Lawwere Types of Jefus Chrift, of Gofpel-Minifters, and of all Believers under the Gofpel. Queft. z. How or wherein did the Prie is typify Cbriit, Lac ? This is a large Field. I (hall endeavour to Phew how and wherein the Priefts under the Law did fhadow forth the Things relating to je- fus Chrilt under the Gofpel, and that in four Things. Y. In their perfonal Qualifications. and other ritual Obfervations belonging to this Rank and Order of Men. z. In their Apparel. 3. In their Confecration. g.. In their Prieftly Miniftrations in the Haufe of God. I. their perfonal Zisalifications and fpecial Obfervations belonging to that Order of Priefthood : Some whereofdid fit them for the Office, and the reft were Rules to be obferved by them in their Office. There were fundry legal and typical Qualifications and Obfervations required in thofe Ranks and Orders of Men. There were certain common and moral Qualifications, which it is not neceflàry to Peek a typical Ac- commodation of; as that they flaould be knowing and godly Men, as Gofpel-Minifters ought to be : But there were fundry other Qualifica- tions, which had a typical Refpeas, which were partly to fit them for their Office, and partly the Rules to be obferved by them in that Of- Iïce and Order. I put them all together for the greater Plainnefs and Brevity fake, though they might be ranked under Two diftiná Heads. i. The Prieft mutt be taken from amongft his Brethren. z. He was fabje& to common Infirmities. 3. Yet free from grofs Deformities. and Blemifhes. q.. Called of God to this Office. 5. He muft abftain from Wine. 6. He muff not marry a Widow. 7. Nor mourn for the Dead. Thefe Things did point out fomething relating to Jefus Chrift and Gofpel- Minifters. r. The Prieut muff be taken from among his Brethren, from among the 7tw5. So the Apoftle fpeaks and applies it, as having fomething of Myftery