The Gofpel of the Legal Priethood. 495 Myftery in reference hereunto, Heb. 5. r. For every High Prieft taken from amongfl- Men is ordained in things pertaining to God. He was to be taken from amongft themfelves. And truly fo was Jefus Chrift : He is not taken from among Angels, but from among Men ; be took not on him the Nature of Angels, but the Seed of Abraham, Heb. 2. 16. This is one thing ; and it is a thadow and an intimation of Jefus Chrift his being of our Nature, of humane Nature : For otherwife he had not been a fit Mediator between God and Man, if he had not partaken of our Nature, he could not haveredeemed us. 2. As the. Prieft was taken from amongft his Brethren, fo he was fosb jell to the common Infirmities of his Brethren : He had ( as is faíd of the Prophet Elijah) the fame Paffions and infirmities that his Brethren had. This is applied to Jefus Chrift, who took upon him not only our Na- ture, but the finlefs Infirmities of Pain, Hunger, Wearinefs and other Sufferings which we are obnoxious to : So the Apoftle fpeaks. For we bave not an High Prieft which cannot be touched with the feeling ofour In- irmities, but was in all Points tempted as we are, yet without Sin, Heb.4.r 5: So in Heb. 5. r, z. For every Higb Prieft takenfrom among Men is ordain- ed for Men in things pertaining to God, that be may offer both Gifts and Sa- crifices for Sin, who can have Compa,Ton on the Ignorant, and on them that are out of the Way, for that he himfelf is alfo compaffed with infirmity having Experience and Senfe of the fame Infirmity inhimfelf, he knows how to have Compaffion on others. This relates to Jefus Chrift, who is a merciful High Prieft expofed to the fame Temptations and Paffions withus, tho' without Sin. 3. The Priesrt muff be free fromgrofs Deformities andBlemifhes, th& he was fubjea to common Humane Infirmities, Lev. 21. 17. Say unto Aaron whofoever it is that bath any Blemifh, let him not approach to offer Sacrifice : For whatfoevcrMan it is that bathany blemifh,he (hall not approach, a blind, or lame, or broken-footed, or broken-banded, &c. be fhall not come to offer the Offering of the Lord made by Fire, be bath a blemifh, befhall not come nigh to offer the Bread ofhis God. Thefe natural Infirmities which the Priefts under the Law mutt be free from, taught us the abfalute Freedom of Jefus Chrift from moral Infirmities, there is no Blenrifh, no Spot found in him : He wants no parts, no Gifts or Sufficiency to difcharge his whole Office and Fun&ion. For fuch an HighPrielt be. tomes w, who is holy, harmlefs, undefiled, feparatefrom Sinners, and made :higher then the Heavens, Heb. 7. 26. as they were to be free from thofe. natural Blemifhes and Defers : So is Jefus Chrift free from all finful Dials and Blemifbes.