The Gofpel of the Prieftt's Holy Garments. 499 The Melts aifo were Types ofChrift in their Clothes and Apparel, and Confecration to that Office.. But of thefe things hereafter. THE Gofpel of the Prieft's Holy Garments. Levit. 8. 7, 8, 9. Feb. 7. II, & I¢. 1668. And heput upon him theGoat, andgirdedhimwith the Girdle, and clothed himwith the Robe, andput the Ephod upon him, andhe girded him with the curious Girdle of the Ephod, and bound it unto him therewith. And heput the Breflplate upon him ä al- fo heput in the Breflplate, the Urimand-Thummim. Andhe put the Mitre upon his Head; alp upon the Mitre, even upon his forefront didheput the Golden Plate, the Holy Crown, at the Lord commanded Mofes. THefe Words ( Beloved) contain an Enumeration of the Priettly Garments, in the Order in which they wereput on at the Con- fecration of Aaron to his Office ; and fo to fum up the Words inone Do&rinal Propofition; it is this. Doe. That there were nine holy Garments inaitutedandappointedof God for the High Priefls ofold, namely, the holy Coat, the Girdle, the Robe, the Ephod, the Girdle of the Ephod, the Brett. plate, the ?trim and Thummim, the Mitre, and the Golden Plate. Note thefe three Things in general concerning them, and then I Ihall come to Particulars. r. The general end and ufe of thefe Garments was to befor Beauty and Glory, Exod. 28.2. as betokening an higher Glory and Beauty then meerly outward, even the Beauty of Holinef ; as a Shadowof anhigher Spiritual Clothing ( for the Scripture often (peaks of a Spiritual Clo- thiag ) the taking away the guilt of Sin, and clothing the Soul with Chrift's Righteouthefs, Zech. 3.4. Take away the filthy Garments from S f t 2 him,