joo The Gofpel ofthe Prieft's Holy Garments. bim,and unto him he Paid, behold I have caufed thine Iniquity to pats from thee, and Iwill clothe thee mitt) change of Raiment, Pfal. r 32.9,16. Let thy Priefts be clothed with Righteoufnef, and let ber Saints fhout for 7oy-- Iwill alfo clothe ber Priefts with Salvation, and her Saints (hallfhout aloudfor Yoy --Job 29.14. Iput on Ri. hteoufnefs and it clothed me ; my fudgment was as a Robe and a Eiadem.They are called holy Garments, Exod.28.2---and often elfewhere But a Garment is not capable of inherent Holinefs; therefore it moil be meant in regard oftheirUfe and Signification. The Lord did put a ftarp and a relation of Holinefs upon them, by inftituting and appointing them for facred ufed in his Worfhip. 2. The Materials whereofthey were made, were thefe five, Gold, blue, purple, fcarlet, and fine Linnen, Exod. 28. 5. Some of them had all thefe Ingredients ; there was none of them, but had fame of thefe. Gold is coftly and fumptuous, Linnen is a white and clean Clothing, the ref have fomething of a bloody Colour : All of them together are thought to reprefent, and to be a dark umbrage of the precloufnefs and glory of the true High Prieft, both in his Sufferings and in his Graces, 3. For the Number and Order of them, they are reckoned up and de- fcribed at large in Exod. 28. and cap. 39. And being fo largely fpoken to, almoft two whole Chapters (pent upon them by the Spirit of God, betide other briefer mentionofthem in other Scripture§ ; we may fafe- ly conclude, that there is much of Spiritual life and Myftery and Mean- ing in them. For it cannot enter into aChriftian-Heart to think or ima- gine, that the Holy Ghoft would imploy two Chapters of Scripture in a thing of nought. In Exod. 28. Verf. g.. the Breft-plate is named firft, according to the Order of Dignity, that being the chief ofall. But in Lev. $. they are mentioned in the Order of putting them on, and here there are nine mentioned in Exod. 29. 5, 6. there are (even : But in Exod. 28. 4. there are but/ix. Which variousEnumerations of them are eatîly recon- ciled, becaufe Ionic Garments are fonletimes inplied and included in o- thers; as the Urim and Thummim in the Breft-plate, the Golden- Plate in the Mitre. And whereas there were two Girdles, the one of them is fornetires omitted, they being both the fame in Ufe and Signi- fication. I (hall ípeak to them as they are fet down in this 8th of Levi- ticus, bccaufe there I find the molt compleat and explicit Enumeration, of them all particularly and diftinerly. And there are nine Particulars bereenumerated. I. The firft is the embroidered Coat offine I innen.; of which Exod.28.. Vert. 39. called the embroidered Coat. It was not of plain Linnen, as the tefl of the Priefts, but of Linnen curioufly wrought. We tranflate it em- broidered,, or. wrought Diaper- like, with Chequer work, or fame fuck., ailovning. This embroidered. Coat was a long Linnen Garment, it came