Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the Priefi's Holy Garments. 5.o>ï came down to his Feet. That which Antichrift retains and ufethunder the name of a Surplice, is taken from hence, if it have }ts rife from any thing in Scripture : though fame think the Original of it is from Paga- nifh Supernicion, the Egyptian Priefts uing fuch a Garment. Perhaps the Devil brought it in among the Egyptians, in a,devilifh imitation of this Inttitution of Gods. However at belt, to fetch our Surplice from hence is as foaiifh as if Minifters fhould hang Bells at their Skirts, be- caufe Aaron did fo. Perfons of eminent worth and excellency were wont of old to be clóthed is fine Linnen ; as Yofeph upon his Advancement, Gen. ç. 4Z.. Pharaóh arrayed him inveftares of fine Linnen. Chrift appears in fuch an Habit, Rev. i. i 3. and in the midft of the [ven Candlefticks 1 law one like unto the Son of Man clothed with a Garment down to the Foot, and girt about the Paps with a Golden Girdle. It is an evident allufion to the Garments of the High Prieft : He hath aVilon'of Jefus Chrift, as the great High Prieft of his Church walking in the San&nary ; ( for there flood the Golden Candlefticks,) and clothed and apparelled in Prieftly attire. The myftical lignification of this Garment is the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, not only in regard of his own Perfon, but alto wherewith he clothes Believers. Chrift being in this andother places defcrib'dnot fò much in what he is abfolutely in himfelf,but what he is relatively to and for his People,vid.Brightman onRev. r . r 3. Therefore the Saints them- felves are defcribed and prefented in the like Habit, Rev. 7. ç, 13, 14 Thefe are they which came out of great Tribulation, and have wafhed their Robes,andmade them white,in the Blood ofthe Lamb; that is, the impu- ted Righteoufnefs of Chrift. It is yet more exprefly explained, Rev.i9.8.. and to her was granted, that The lhould be arrayed in fineLinnen, clean and white, for the fine Linnenis the Righteoufnefs of Saints. There is a two- fold Righteoufnefs, both which may be here included. i. There is a Righteoufnefs inherent in Christ, and imputed to, Be- lievers. This is the Righteoufnefs of fuflification. 2. There is a Righteoufnefs inherent in Believers, but derived from Chrift And this is the Ri.thteoufnef of Santtif3cation. Some have called them the upper Garment of Yuftification, and the inner Garment of Sanifíf- cation. They are both mentioned, Ffal. 45. i 3, the King's Daughter is all glorious within ; and ver. 14. fhe is brought to the King in a Garment of Needle-rrork : The meaning is, the upper Garment of (unification, and the under Garment of San&ification. Believers therefore who are fpi- ritual Priefts, they fhould not clothe themfelves with the filthy Rags of their own Righteoufnefs,, nor with the rotten Garments of counterfeit Graces, as lypociites and Jufticiaries do ; but get on this Prieftly, at ti.