Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the PrieJ?s Holy Garments. 503 Minifters and Chriftians fhould be always in a readinefs to go about any Bufinefs the Lord calls them to; they fhould have their Girdle about them. 3. The Robe r Called the Robe of the Ephod, Exod. 28. 31. becaufe it was girded with the Ephod which was put next upon it ; fo fc:nius and Aynfmorth in loc. Thiswas made all of blue, ver. 3t. it was not fo long as the fine Linnen Coat before-mentioned ; for that came to the Feet, but this to the Knees, to the gartering-place or thereabout. Of the fuperftitious Garments retained by Antichrift, that which feems to come neareft to it, is the Canonical Coat, as they call it. The Jewifh Writers fay of this Robe, that it had no Sleeves, but was divided into two Skirts, from the end of the Neck unto beneath, after the manner . of all Robes, and was not joyned together, but about all the Neck only. AynJtvorth on Exod. 28. 32. It had a ftrong binding or a welt about . the Neck, in Hebrew called a Lip, that it might not be rent, Exod. 28.32. But that which is moft remarkable in it, is the. Golden Bells and Pomegranates that were upon the Skirt thereof at the bottom of it, Exod. 28. ver. 33, 34, 35that the found ofthe Bells may be heard Let me fpeak a little in the help of Chrift to the myftery of thefe facred Bells, and then to the Pomegranates. r. The Bells of the holy Robe. There be two things that .teem to be clearly intimated and held forth thereby. r, The Voice of Chrift in his Prayers and Mediation for us, which is heard of God, Pleb. 5.7. and 7.25. when he goes into the holyPlace, the found of thefe Golden Bells is heard of God. 2. TheVoice of Chrift in the Gofpel,which is heard of his Church, the found thereof rings in his Church,yea throughout the World, r8. their found went forth into all the World. And we may apply it in a fe- condary way to the Minifters of Chrift, thofe Antitypical Priefts. They fhould be furnifhed with Golden Bells, the voice of Prayer, and the voice of Preaching ; as the Priefts of old, if the noife of thefe Bells was not heard, they dye, Exod. 28. a5. fo it is fpiritual death and de.. ftrution to the Soul : There is no hope of the Salvation of that nifter under the Gofpel, that cannot, that loth not Pray and Preach. I Cor. 9. 16. Nece/ty is laidupon me, wo vs auto me, if I preach not the Gofpel ; either preach or die. 2, The Pomegranates of the Robe; that is, curious works upon the Border of it, refembling that Fruit ; and being an emblem thereof. ThePomegranate is a Fruit fcveet and pleafant to the Tafle, and fragrant and delightful to the Smell. Therefore it feems to fhadow forth the Tweet refrefhing Fruits and Efess