Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpetofthe PriesHoly Garments. soy This Ephod was (fay our Annotators on Exod. 28. 4.) a fhort Coas without Sleeves, put upon his other Garments to keep them clofe to- gether It reached from the Shoulders to the Loins. There were two forts of Ephods ufed among the Jews, a common and a facred Ephod. a. There was a common Ephod, which was not peculiar to the High Prieft only, but to other Priefts alto ; yea to others alfo that were not Priefts : fo I Sam. zz. 18. Doeg feii upon the Priefls and flew that Day eighty five Perfons that did wear a Linnen Ephod. Yea it was not peculi- ar to Priefts only, but common to others alío who were not Prielts : So we read of Samuel, that when he was a Child he wore. a Linnen Ephod, I Sam. 2. 18. though he was no Prieft by Birth, but only a Levite. And David, 2 Sam. 6. 14. was girded with a Linnen Ephod. But, 2. There was a facred Epbod, which was peculiar to the High Prieft. only. The differences between this and the common Ephod were fuch as thefe. i. That was made of Linnen; but this of fundry other materials, Gold, blue, purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined Linnen. 2. This facred Ephod had a peculiar Ornament belonging to it, viz the two Onyx flows upon the Shoulder-pieces of it, ofwhich by and by. 3. None might imitate this, or make one like unto it : Though of other Matter, and for ordinary ufe they made Garments of that Name and Shape commonly called Ephods. It was the Sin and the tall of Gk. deon's Houfe, that he made one like this, not an Ephod for ordinary wear, but a facred minifiring Garment, Judg. 8. 27, 33. As to the fpiritual Myfiery of this Garment, this holy Ephod of the High Prieft, it appears chiefly in this. There were two Shoulder pieces belonging to it, in which were placed two Ouches of Gold, with two Onyx ftones fet and fattened in them. Two Ouches] that is, hol- low Circles, two hollow places, inwhich the Stones were fet like Die.. monds in a Ring. Onyx Jones] white Stones, not unlike the white of a Man's Nail. TheHebrew word is Shoham. It is, I know, other* wife rendred by fome ; but the Onyx being a large Stone, as it was re* quifite that thefe fhould be, that there might be fpace enough to in» grave fix Names in a Stone, (betides other Circumftances) wemay rely in this Tranflation. Theufe of thefe preciousStones was for thewriting of the Names of the twelve Children of Jfrael in them, that the High Prieft might bear them upon his Shoulders fora Memorial before the Lord : See Exod.z8, 9, Io, I I, I2. Now the Prieft being a Type of Christ, and the Nov Ttt pig