5o6 The Gofpel of the Priefl's Holy Garments. pie of Ifrael a Type of the whole Church of God ; their being born thus upon the Shoulders of the High Prieft clothed with this facred E. phod intimated three things. r. The Lord Jefus Chrift his fupporting of his Church and People, and bearing them up, as upon the Shoulders of his Power, and Grace, and Government, Ifa. 9.6. the Government fhali be uponhis Shoulders : So he is faid to do with the loft Sheep, Luke 15. 5. Ifa. 46. 31 4. hearken unto me, O Houfe of Jacob, all the Remnant of the Houfe of Ifrael, which are born by me from the Belly, which are carried from the Womb, and even to your old Age, I am he, andeven to hoary Hairs I will carry you, I have made you, and I will bear, even I will carry, andwill deliver you. 2. His prefenting them to theLord, to be in everlafting remembrance before him ; that he cannot look upon the High Prieft, but their Names appear upon his Shoulders for a memorial before the Lord ; their Names are engraven in his fight, that he cannot look from off them Mal. 3.16. A book of Remembrance is written before- him for them that fear the Lord, Ephef. S. 2.7. that he might prefeat it to himfelf a glorious Church. 3. He bears their names before the Lord in this curious and coftly E- phod : as reprefenting his own perfea Righteoufnefs, wherewith he Rands clothed before God, in the glorious Merit whereof he appear- eth for his People. For Men to truft to their own Works and Msrits, is to have their Names born before God in an Ephod of their own wea- ving, which God abhors ; by which Sin both the Jews and the Papifts perifh, Rom. io. 3. But the Saints dare not appear before God in fuch filthy Garments, but confefs as IJa. 64.6. .All our Righteoufnefs iRs but a filth) Rags, &c. 5. The curious Girdle of the Epood ; of which the words of the Text are thefe ; And he girded himwith thecurious Girdle of the Ephod, andbound it unto him therewith, Exod. 28.8. fo that this Girdle of the Ephod is thought not to be a diftin& thing,feparable from the Ephod ; but to have been as it were a piece of it. Mr. Ayníworth's Note out of the Rabbins is this ; The Ephod had ais it were two bands or pieces going out from it in the weaving on this fide, and on that, with the which they girded it : And they are called [Chefeb] the curious Girdle of the Ephod. This curious Girdle of the Ephod was tyed upon his Heart, under the Breaí plate. This differeth from the other Girdle [Abrtet] which is f oken of Exod. 2.8. 39. and by rea- fon of the Gold in this, which the other had not, it is called the Golden Girdle. Some have doubted whether there were two, Girdles; but the Text is clear for it, Levit. 8.7. He put upon him the Coat, and girded him with the Girdle. This is the Linnen Girdle. \ Now it follows, and he clothed himwith the Robe, and put the Ephod upon him, and he girded him