5 o8 The Gofpel ©f the grief's Holy Garments. ment is not always put for Wrath and Punilhment, but for a wife, and accurate, and exact Adtniniftration of things; Pepe per nomen Mifhpat Scriptura fignificat quicquid bene 6' rite ardinatun efl Hoc Epitheto com- mendatur reTus & omni vitio parus Ordo, Calvin in Exod. Z8. q.. 3o. So john 9.39. For judgment an I come into thù World, that'they that fee not, might fee ; this is no aft of Punithment, but of Mercy, yet called Judg- ment : So it is prophefied of Chrift, Ifa. 42. 3, 4. that he ¡hall bring forth judgment nntoTruth, and (hall not fail nor be difcouraged, till he have fet judgment in the Eartb ; that is, he fhall not faint nor be difcouraged till he bath gone through with the Work of their Salvation, and fet in order all the concernments of it ; that wife, prudent, and judicious Ad- miniitration of things by Jefus Chrift, whereby he reetifies, repairs, and Pets in good Order the confufed and collapfed eftate of his Church and People : infomuch, that all the Concernments of their eternal Good are fet ftrait, brought to their belt Conftitution, and carried on in a molt exact and regular manner, with admirableand infiniteWifdom-- That as they, Mark 7. ult. were beyond meafure aftonifhed, and they faid,he bath done all things well : So fhall all the Saints fay, when they un- derftand and review the Ways thát Chrift bath walked in for their Sal- vation. Aaron did here reprefent this typically, in this Feciorale fudicii, this Breaft -plate of judgment But Chrift bath performed, and done it really and indeed. To unfold the Myflery of thefe things a little more particularly, . The precious Stones, with the Names of the Children of ifrael, lignifie all the Saints, the whole Church and People of God. I[rael was a typical People; therefore the whole Church of God is called Ifrael, Gal. 6. 16, As many as walk according to this Rule, Peace be on them and .Mercy, and upon (or even upon) the Ifrael ofGod. Hence the fame A- poftle diftinguifheth of outward Jews and inward Jews, Rom. a:. two laft. And Chrift calls Nathaniel an Ifraelite indeed, John a. 47. And the Saints are fitly reprefented by precious Stones, becaufe theyare in- deed precious, and excellent with a fpiritual Excellency, and that in the fight of God, though defpifed of the World, Ifa. 43.4. Since thou waft precious in nay fight, thou haft been honourable, and 1 have loved thee; there- fore will 1 give Men for thee, and People for thy Life --- Pfal. r6. 3. The you Saints that are on Earth, the excellent in whom is all my Delight. Lam. 4.. 7. Her Nazarites (and that religious Order was typical, as have formerly heard ) were purer than Snow, theywere whiter than Milk, they were more ruddy in body than Rubies, their polifing was of Saphire. As thefe precious Stones in the Breaft-plate were divers and various, there were twelve of them, yetall of them precious and excellent, and ufe-