Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the Prief's HoyGarneitts. 509 ufeful : So the Saints are indowed with varieties of Gifts and Gra- ces, yet all ufeful andexcellent. And as thefe Stones were fet in ex- a& and comely Order in the Breaft-plate of Aaron : So there is an infition of the Saints into Chrift, and a comely Order amongft them- felves. 2. Look as the High Priers did bear the names of the twelve Tribes of Ifrael in his Breaft-plate, for a Memorial before the Lord : So doth Jefus Chrift bear the Names and Concernments of his People upon his Heart before the Lord ; that is, in deareft Love and Heart- affeaion. See Exod. 28. 29. As he bore them upon the Shoulders of his Power in the two Onyx - Sones upon the Shoulder-pieces of the Ephod, of which before : So now here he bears them uponhis Heart in deareft Love and Favour. See Ifa. 49. 15, t 6. Therefore theChurch prays, Cant. 8, 6. jet one as a Seal upon thine Heart, as aSeal upon thine Arm. Thefe Stones were engraven like the ingravings of a Seal, or of a Signet. 3. The fanning of this Breaft-plate of Love to the Shoulder-pieces of the Ephod, fpeaks the infeparable Conjun&ion of the Love, and Power, and Righteoufnefs of Chrift in the great Work of our Salva- tion. For the Ephod being an holy and glorious Garment, lignifies (as the reft do)cheglorious Righteoufnefs of Chrift the true High Prieft, . as hath been formerly (hewed. The Shoulders are ftrong to fupport ThePe&oral betokens Love : Therefore, that the Peétoral is fanned to the Shoulders, fpeaks that Love and Power are united together in Je- fus Chrift for our Salvation : And all this upon the Ephod, the Gar- ments of his glorious Righteoufnefs, wherein he appears for us, and bears our Names for a Memorial before the Lord continually. How fhould Faith triumph in this ! Is not our High Eiden in the San&nary ? Is he not clothed with Garments of Salvation and Righte- oufnefs ? And doth he not bear the Names of his People upon his Shoulders, and upon his Breaft before the Lord ? Thy particular Con- cernments (if thouart a Believer) are written upon his Heart with the Pen of a Diamond, in fuch lacing Letters of Loving-kindnefs as !hall never be blotted out. 7. The feventh piece of there Sacerdotal Veftments was the Vrimand Thumnnim, of which the Text faith, Alfo he put in the Breaft-plate the Vrim and Thummim; and Exod. 28. 3c. and thou ¡halt put in the Breaft- plate of 'Judgment the Vrim and the Thummim, and they ¡ball be upon A- aron's Heart, &c. There is more of Difficulty and Controverfie upon . this, then upon any other piece ofall thePontifical Attire. Mall (peak but briefly to it in thefe four Heads. a Who.