510 The Gofpel o f the Priefl's Holy Garments. t. Whether they were any new Materials in the holy Garments: 2. What kind of Materials they were. 3. What was the End and -Life of them. 4. What Gofpel-myfteries were aimed at therein. r. Whether the Vrim and Thummim were vifible and external Materials in the holy Garments, yea or no. For force think they are only an expreffion of the End and Ufe of the Breaft- plate, and not another diftina piece of Attire, But there are thefe Reafons a- .gaïnft this. Reafon t. Becaufe the Text feems to fpeak of them as Materials; for it fpeaks of them in the fame coutfe and tenor of Speech as it doth of other things. As here in the Text for initance : All the reft of thefe three Verfes are only enumerations of the holy Veftments ; He put on the Coat ; girded him with the Girdle ; put on him the Breaft-plate ; all thefe are external material Things ; thereforewhy not alto the next Claufe, and he put in the Breaft-plate the Uritn andThummim ? Real a. Becaufe we have an intimation of the lofs of them in the Captivity of Babylon, Ezra 2. 63 Nehem. 7. 65, If the Vrim and Thummitn had been no other material but the Breaft-plate it felf, with the precious Stones therein (as force think) they might have confulted with God, and received Anfwers from God by it as formerly. For the Ordinancesof God are bleft of God, to fuch as ufe them fincerely for thofe ends for which they are appointed. Therefore fo would the Breaft-plate have been for Counfel and Anfwers to them, if that had been the Ordinance appointed for that end. For they did not want the Breaft-plate; for they might and ought to make that according to the Rule in Exod. 2.8. but they having not the Vrim and Thummim; therefore that way of Ocular Confultation was ceafed. Reaf. 3. if there was any Myftery in the Vrim and Thummirn,' they muff needs be Materials: For we muff not feparate and take away the outward Sign from the Thing fignified in the Types, any more than in the Sacraments. This is the Sin and Error of the Papifts in the Lord's Supper, whereby they do deftroy the true Nature of the Sacrament. But thofe that feem to fcruple whether the Urim and Thummim were any new Materials added to the Breaft-plate, do yet inquire and feek after the Myftery and meaning of them : Therefore there was an outward part in this, is in all other Types, a vifible and external Sign, as well as a fpiritual Myftery fig- nified and 'fhadowed forth thereby. ßeß. 2. What kindof Materials they were ? Anfcv. The Vrim and Tbummim were not Things prepared by the Workmen as the reft of the Holy Garments were ; but tome choice. and ficret