The Gofel ofthe Prieft's Holy Garments. 51r fecret Monuments given immediately unto Mofes by God himfelf. This ap- pears by this Consideration, that there is no Direaion given for the making of them in Exod. 28. 30. where all the other Garments are treated of ; but of chete it is only faid, thou (halt put them in, Verf, 30>. and accordingly there is no mention of thefe in that other Chapter, Exod. 39. Verf, 2t, &e. where the Hiftory of the making all the other. Garments is recorded. Therefore we may concur with thofe who fay, this Ornament was non humano artificio falum,TedDivinities Mofi datum.. As to any further Inquiry, we can no more determine the Matter of Them, then we can define what kind of Stones thofé were on which the Lawwas written by the Finger of God ; or what Substance the Manna was, which was melted by the Sun, and hardened by the Fire ; or of what Substance the Holy Fire was, that came down from Heavén and confirmed the Sacrifices. Therefore we can go no further in deter- mining the Nature of the Vrim and Thummim ; but that it wah fomeglo,, rions thinggiven by God to Mofes, and put into the Peaoral. quesi. 3. What was the End and lifeof it ? Anfw. To confult with God by it, and to receive Anfwers from him about the Affairs and Concernments of his People, Numb.z7.21. jofhua muff ftand before Eleazar the Prieft, who mutt ask Counfel for him, after the Judgment ofOvins before the Lord. Magiftrates and Rulers should depend on Chrift for teaching, and feek Direftion at his Mouth So David did, I Kings 23.9. and again, i Kings 30. 6. And that this . was no unufual Thing, but frequent and ordinary with him, appears, I Kings 22.. 15. where Abimelech's Apology for himfelf is, Did 1 now begin to ask of God for him ? Implying, that he was formerly wont to do it. °wit. But how was God wont to anfwer by it ? Anfw. It feems to have been fometimes by audible Voice, I Sam. 23.. I I , 12. Will Saul comedown ? And the Lord Paid, he will Will the Men, of Keilah-deliver me into his Hand ? And the Lord Paid, they willNumb. 7.89. God fpake to Mofes by an audible Voice, and it feems "that this was the way that God was ordinarily wont to ufe with Mofes, Exod. , 33. I r. Numb. .1 z. 7, 8. and Deist. 34.. to. Some think God's fpeaking by Vrim and Thummim, was by the fhining of the Stones; which did appear bright, if God. would have them do the Thing of which they inquired, but did appear dark, if the Anfwer were Negative. - But as there is nothing of this in the Scripture; neither could this way an- fwer all kinds of Qaeftions that might be put : So it is more probable, that God anfwered by Inch Ways and Manners as the Scripture makes mention of_; either by fpeaking from off the Mercy-feat with an au. dibl.e