5 t 2 The Gofpel of the Práef's Holy Garments. dible Voice to the Prieft appearing with Vrirn and Thurnrnim before him : Or elfe by immediate Infpirations and Irradiations upon his Spi- rit, the Lord giving an inward Revelation of his Will to the Mind of the High Prieft thus inquiring of him. Oue. 4. Now if you ask what did this Oracular Difpenfationby theVrirn and Thummim fignify and reprefent ? Anfw. The Words Vrim and Thurnmimfsgnify Lights and Perfelions. The Myftery and meaning of them you may fee in Four Particulars. I. Some interpret them thus ; Vrimor Lights, that is, clearnefs of .Apprehenfion ; and Thummim, Perfeaions, that is, era&and perfea judg- ment. Thofe two great Parts of the Wifdom of God,- in theFrame of Reafon ; where there is a ConjunEtion of both thefe Excellencies in the height of them, this is the higheí} Degree of Reafon. This is Angelical and SeraphickUnderftanding.Some Men are flowand dull of Apprehenfion, a Man cannot beat Things into them, Luke 24. 25. O flow and dull of Heart to underfland ! Some that have Wit enough, and are apprehen- bve enough ; yet they cannot judge of what they fee, of what their Mind fees, and fo they call Darknefs Light, and Light Darknefs ; they call Error Truth, and Truth Error. Thus fome apply it to the two parts of Reafon. And I would not exclude this, as being partly intended ; becaufe the Scripture fpeaks of Chrift under thefe Notions ; as quick in difcerning, and accurate in judging of Things, Ifa. i i. 3. and Solomon fpeaks it of his own Sermons, that he both fought out ; here is ready invention, or quick Apprehenfion : And he took heed ; here is accurate and careful. Yudgment, the other part of Solomon's Logick : And he fit in order many Proverbs ; here is Method, which is the If'ue and Refult of both the former, as the Cream of the Milk. Eccl. 12. 9. And he took force Pains in the Rhetorick too, as well as in the Logick ; in the Oratory, as well as in the Reafon of Things, der. io. the Preacher fought to find out Words ofDelight. 2. It may be appled to the two Faculties of the Soul, in regard of the Virtues belonging to them, as well as to the two parts ofReafon thus. That Vrim Lights, imports a found Faith ; and Thummim, Per- feEaions, a perfea Heart and Life. For, as clear Apprehenfion and ex- ac Judgment are the two parts of true Reafon : So Faith and Holinefs are the two parts of true Religion. You know Light is the Excellency ofthe Mind of a Chriftian : Holinefs is the PerfeElion of his Will. Of the former Paul fpeaks, Eph. i. i 7, t8. that the God of our Lord iYerws Cbrift, the Father ofGlory, may give untoyou the Spirit ofWifdom and 'Re- velation, in the Knowledge of him, The Eies ofyour vnderfianding being enlightened, &c. Of the other Hezekials fpeaks, Ifa. 38, 3. I bave walk- ed