Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the Priers Holy Garments. 513 ed before thee in Truth, and with a perfell Heart, &c. fo when Mofes prays for theTribe of Levi,and in them for all godly Minifters,Deut,33. Let thy Grim and thy Thummim be with thy holy ones ; that is, give found Minds, and holy Hearts ; found Minds in a quick difcerning, and ex- ec judging of Things ; and holy Hearts appearing in a holy and good Life and Converfation. 3. All this pointed them to, and was moft eminently fulfilled in 17e-. fus CbriFt the only true High Prieft, in and by whom alone God fpeaks his Mind, and works his Image in us. In him are bid all the Treaufures of Wifdom and Knowledge, Col. i. 3. and he is holy and . harmlefs and feparate from Sinners, Heb. 7. 26. For hitch an High Prieft became us who is holy, barmiefs, undefiled, feparate from Sinners. He wears the true Vrim and Thummim always upon his Heart : Illumina- tions and Perfeedons, Lights and Graces in thehigheft. And wehave nothing of either, but what we have from him. Our Lights are from him, 2 Cor. 4. 6. Mat, i r. 27. our Graces are from him, Yoh?: ofhtis fulnefs bave we all received Gracefor Grace. For the Law wasgiven by Mofes, Verf. 17. thefe legal Shadows of Terror and Darknefs; but Grace and Truth came by 17efus Cbrift. Grace inftead of legal Terror and Rigour: Truth, that is, Accomplifhments and Performances inftead of Shadows and Promìfes, came by Jefus Chrift. It follows, Ver. t 8, no Man bath feen God at any time, that is, by any Light, or Grace, or power of his own, but the only begotten Son which vs in the Bofom of the Father, he bath declared him. The true Vriw and Thummim is in the peûoral of Jefus Chrift ; all our Illuminations and Perfeetions are in him. 4. Whereas this Vrim and Thummim were loft in the Captivity in Babylon, and wanting in theSecond Temple, Ezra 2. 63. Nehem.7.65. They wanted this, as they did force other Vefï'cls and Monuments ; as the Golden Pot of Manna, Aaron's Rod that budded ; force think alfo the Ark, and the two Tables of Stone were wanting in the Second Temple : But as to the prim and Thummim thofe Texts feem clear for it : Nor had they the Cloud of Glory, as in the Tabernacle, and in the aft. Temple ; or Fire from Heaven. The end of all this Difpen- fation was, to teach them to look and long the more earneftly after Jefus Chrift, the true Spiritual Glory of the Temple and Church of God, whofe coming was nowapproaching and drawing on apace. Thefe Abatements of that former outward Glory were. Preparations for more Spiritual Difpenfations under the Gofpel, wherein thofe outward Glo- ries were not to be expe&ed : And in the mean time-they had the Law of Mofes, and the written Word of God in the Old Teftament, Uuu which