Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

574 3beGofpel of the Prief's Holy Garments. which they were to cleave and ftick clofe unto, Mal. 4. 4. But when Chill came, he reftored to his Church in a more glorious manner the true Vrinn and Thummim; Light and Grace was poured forth abun- dantly, even upon fuch, who, by reafon of the long Intermiffion of thofe extraordinary Operations of the Holy Ghoft, had not fo much as heard whether there was an Holy Ghoft or no. Ads--r9. 2, 6. The Jewifh Writers have a Saying and a Tradition ainongft them, that after the latter Prophets, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachy, the Holy Ghoft went up, and departed from Ifrael. They mean in thofe extraordinary Operations of it : And they reckon Vrim and Thum- mint as one of the Degrees of the Holy Ghoft, inferiour to the Spirit of Prophefy; but fuperiour to that Bath-qol (as they call it) the Daugh- ter of a Voice, or an Eccho from Heaven, which was heard fornetimes in the Second Temple, and which ( they fay ) took place in the Se- cond Temple when Prophefy and Urim ceafed. We read of fuch Voices fromHeaven to Jefus Chrift, Mat. 3. 17. Yoh. 12. 28, 29 2 Pet. 1. 17,18. and he adds in the next Verle we have a more fire Word of Prophefy. This Bath-pi, or Voice from Heaven, was a Pro- logue and a Preface, and Type as it were, of that true Voice of the Father, the Eternal Word of God Jefus drift, who came down from Heaven ; by whom God hath in thefe lait Days fpoken to us, who at fundry Times and in divers Manners fpake in former Times unto the Fathers; but now only by his Son, Heb. 1. 1, 2. 8. The eighth piece of the holy Pontifical Attire, was the Mitre ; of which the Text faith, And he put the Mitre upon bis Head. And it is laid, Exod. 28. 39. thou (halt make the Mitre of fine Linnen. This was one of the lait Garments that was put on : Therefore Zechariah deliires this in the clothing of yehofhuab, as the perfecking of the Mercy, Zech. 3. 5. and I laid, let them let afair Mitre upon his Head, fo they fet a fair Mitre upon bis Head. As to the Shape and Fafhion of this Garment, it was not unlike that which the other Priefts wore, and is called a Bonnet. It was made of Linnen- cloth, wrapped about the Head, in a round and high-crowned Fafhion, after the manner of the Eaft. Somecompare it to the Turki(h Tarbants or Tidlibants : Some tranflate it a Hat. As to the outward Form and inward Myftery ofit, there is little Dif- ficulty: For a Mitre, or a Hat upon the Head was an Ornament of Authority and Superiority over others, Ez.ek. 21. 26. Remove the Dia- dem, Job 29. 14. My Judgment was as a Diadem ; in whichPlaces is ra- dically the fame Word as here in Exod. 28. The Mitre therefore was an Ornament and Enfignof illuftrious facred Eminency and Superiority ita. the High Prief over others. It pointeth us to the Princely Dignity and