NNW The Gofpel of the Prief1's Holy Garments. and Kingly Office of Jefus Chrifl : He is the great High Prieft ; and indeed both Prieft and King of his Church ; the true Arcb-bifhop, the chief Shepherd, as Peter calls him, t Pet. S. 4. Believers are called a roy- al Priefihood, i Pet. 2. 9. but Chrift is fo much more : He is not only a Prieft, but a Prince and aPrevailer with the Lord on our behalf. 9. The ninthand lafl piece of the Holy Prieflly Attire, ú the Golden Plate, of which theText faith, Alfo upon the Mitre, even upon his forefront did he put the Golden Plate, the holy Crown. It is called, Exod.39.30. the Plate of the holy Crown ; fo called, for that it was made (fay fome) fomewhat like a Crown. Compare Exod. 29.6. The Ufe and Nature of it is de- fcribed fully in Exod.z8.36,37,38. The Infcription esodefb la gehovab, may be rendred more emphatically, the Holinefs of fehovah. It fpeaks three Things. a. The Royal, yea the Divine Holinefs of Jefus Ctarift, that abfo lute Holinefs whereby he fanaifies both himfelf and us, john 17. 19. wherein he loth that really, which Aaron did typically. He is indeed the Holinefs of gehovahfehovah tfidkenu, the Lord our Righteoufnefs ú hú Name, Jer. 23.6. Hence he often appears with a Crown of Gold upon his Head, as Rev. 14. 14. 2. His bearing our Iniquities, and taking away our Sins, which are found even in our Holy Things, Exod. 28.38. There is a mixture the in the belt we do. Many Believers are apt to be difcouraged about it. My Prayers are fo full of Unbelief, and Deadnefs, and Wandrings, they deferve Abhorrence and not Acceptance. Well, but the High Prieft here bears thé Iniquities of all the Holy Things of the Children of Ifrael. 3. His caufing us to be accepted of the Lord, Exod.28. 38. Ephef. i .6. He bath made us tweeted in the beloved. Though we and our heft Works are vile ; yet the Lord, looking upon the Fore-headof our High Prieft, fees, Holinefs engraven there; looking upon the Face of Chrifl, he there alto beholds it for us, and becomes well- pleafed with tis ; and we in theFaith thereof may be perfwaded and affured of our Acceptance with the Lord through the Faith of him. Thou that faiefl, there is nothing but Sin in me, Sin andVilenefs in all I do. I anfwer, it is true, the Lord can fee nothingbut Sin in thee; but he cannot look upon the High Prieft, but there he fees Holinefs, yea theHolinefs of febovah there. Thus you have feen fomething of the Holy Attire, which the Lord ordained and appointed for the Priefts of old. I (hall conclude with two or three general Words by way of Ufe or Inference from the Whole. Uuu2 Vfe 515