Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

516 The Gofpel of the Prieft's Holy Garments. vie 1. We may here fee the Evil of the fuperflitious Garments retain- ed from Antichrift for the Minifters ofthe Gofpel. It is to transform Gofpel- Minifters into legal Priefts, yea into Popifh Prielts. The Priefts under the Law had a long White Linnen Coat : Hence Antichrift hath a Surplice. The Priefts of old were girded with a Girdle : Hence is the Canonical Girdle, as they call it, which by many is now commonly cal- led a Circingie, byway of Contempt, and juft and righteous Scorn. The Priefts under the Law had an holy Robe : Hence is the Canonical Coat. They had an Ephod : Hence is the Pall, which the Pope was wont to fend to Arch-bifhops, for their Confecration, or Inftallment. Laftly, The .High Prieft of old had a Mitre : Hence is the Bifhop's Mitre. And Ribera quotes a Place out of Yofephus, where he faith,, that theHigh Prieft wore a tripple Crown, from whencehe thinks St. Pe- ter did the like, as the Pope now doth ; that fo the Verity might be anfwerable to the Figure, that Chrift's High Priefts might wear that which the High Prieft, the Figure of Chrift, did wear. Rebera defacr. Veft. cap. 14. apud Wilet on Exod. 28. Controv. 4. But Dr. Wilett an- fwers him (befide many other juft and rational Anfwers, as that the Scriptures do not fay, it was a Tripple Crown ) 1 had thought ( faith he) that Aaron had been a Figure of Chriff, not of the Pope ; and temporal Things do not prefigure Temporal, one Tripple Crown another, but that outward Crown fhadowed forth the fpiritual King- dom and regal Dignity of Jefus Chrift. But againft all there Popi(h Garments in general, obferve two Things. r. That thefe Things were typical and fhadowy : Therefore now that Chrift the true High Prieft is come in his Divine Glory, this ex- ternal Pomp and fplendor of bodily Apparel is céafed, and vaniflied away with all the reft of the Ceremonies, by the appearing of pie Sun of Righteoufnefs. The Papists therefore in this matter dojudaize. And when one of their Priefis comes among the People, he comes forth juft like a Prieft of the Céremonial Law,' as if he were going to offer Sacri- fice. Tho' withal, it is to be obferved, that fome of their fupetftitious Garments are not borrowed from the yews, but either from thePagans, or invented of their own Heads. For they have a rich Wardrobe of fu- perftitious Garments ; as the Crofter Staff, the Albe, the Chimers, the grey Amice, the Stole, with fuch like : Some of which, for my part, I know not well what they are, nor whence they had them, nor is it worth the while to make much fearch in Hilton es and Fathers af- ter them : Brit as in fome they judaize,, fo ia. others I doubt they pa- Janke?. 2.. Obferv&