TheGo,feel of the Przeft's Holy Garments. 517 2. Obferve this, that the falfe Priefts of old were much given to this kind of Superftition : and not only they, but fornetimes good Menwere a little tainted with it, who abhorred the more open fort of grofs Ido- latry. 5udg. 8. 2.7. Gideon made an Ephod, a facred miniftriug Gar- ment : But he intended no hurt, good Man ; for he was no Papift, he had broke down the Image of Baal; but yet this did offend the Lord, and became a Snare to Gideon, and to his Houfe. Suppofe Men be againft the grofs Idolatry of the Papills, as our reforming Magiftrates in England were, in the firft Reformation yet if they retain any of there Prieftly Garments, it may offend God, and be a Snare to them: But we have a groffer inftance in 2 Kings 10. 22. in Yehu's time, who faid to him that was over the Veftry, Bring forth the Vefiments for all the Wor(hippers of Baal. It feems they had not only Worfhipping Veft- ments, but fuch a number of them that it required a fpecial. Officer to keep them, and look after them. Thereare but twoObje&ions commonly alledged for them. Cbjett, r. It is decent. Anfw. Decency in clothing appears in common Ufe and Cuftom, and is regulated thereby, and by the Light of Nature; and therefore thofe Habits that Men do not wear in common Ufe are accounted uncomely and ridiculous. And thence, though in old Time they were wont to wear white, and in thofe hotter Climates they didmuch ufe Linnen yet now in after -times People having betaken themfelves to darker .Coe lours, as being graver, and not requiring fuch continual waffling : As it would be ridiculous, altogether ridiculous, for a Man towear a white Shirt on the top of all his Clothes;, fo to do the like in the Worfhip of God is a dire& and manifeft breach of that Rule of Decency, I Cor. rd.. ult. and fo far fromdecent, that it is ridiculous and. abfurd, God having not appointed any fuch thing. Moreover, the meaning of that Scripture is°not, that Men thould in= ftitute and invent decent things ; but only that they do adminifter the Things of Chrift, which he hath inttituted in a decent manner; and further than this that Text gives no liberty ; nag it reftrains Men from medling further, then only to fee that the Appointments and Ordi- nances of Chrift be adminifcred in a decent and orderly manner : But there is no decency in wearing a Surplice; for then the want of it would beundecent, which common Senfe tells us it is not. Nor did Chrift or the Apoftles worthip God undecently, and yet they never prayed or preached in a Surplice. objr?1. 2. Better do it, then not preach : I had rather .. preach in a Fools Coat (raid one) then not preach-the Gafpel. infra; 1