F The Go,fpel of the Prief's Holy Garment. 549 Well, then they come to the niyftical fenf, and there they tell us; That the Linnen Breeches lignifie Chaftity, the Linnen Coat purity of Life ; the Girdle, moderation of Difcretion ; the Mitre, a right Inten- tion ; which they fay are Virtues necefl'ary for all Minifters : Over and above which, Bifhops, they fay, muli have four others, which they fan- cy to be fignified by the other Garments of the High Prieft. Bnt thefe are too vain, to infift on a large Confutation of them. As thefe Interpretations and Applications of theirs have no footing in Scripture, nor the leafs countenance given them from thence : So there is a profound filence concerning Chrift therein, paffing him over wholly, when as indeed he, and his Performances and Endowments, are the great thing taught and madowed forth by them all. Vfe 3, See and behold in thefe holy Pontifical Veftments the fpiri- tu'l Glory of 3efus Chrift the true High Prieft. For all this did repre- fent put-quoit Angelicam Splendorem, Calvin, that more than Angelical Splendor of Jefus Chrift, who is clothed indeed with Glory and Beauty.. Let me but briefly run over, and recapitulate the Heads of things, ac- cording to the Explications given. i. Here is the white and pure Linnen of his perfeti Righteoufnefs, im- puted to us in Juftification : For that is one great thing intended by it,. as well as the Garments of Holinefs and Grace inherent. a. He is girded with Strength, and with Truth and Faithfulnefs for our Salvation, and is always ready to do us good. 3. He hath a glorious Robe, the Golden Bells whereof have founded in the holy Place; and their found is gone forth into all the Earth and the Fruits thereof are Tweet and fragrant as a-Garden of Pome granates. . He wears a glorious Ephod; in the Shoulders whereof he doth fupport his Church, and lifts up them and their Concernments out of the Duft of Death, and Sin, and Mifery ; and bears them up before the Lord, as upon the Shoulders of an Infinite and Almighty Power. 5. He hath a Breaft-plate of Love upon his Heart continually ; our Names and our Concernmentsare written there, even upon theHeart of Jefus Chrift, like the Names of the Children of Ifrael upon Aaron's Breaft- plate. 6. Here is the true Vrim and Thummim ; all divine Illuminationsand Perfections in the Heart of Jefus Chrift, and Emanations of Light and Holinefs from him to us. 7. He bath a Mitre upon his Head ; He is a Royal Priefr, both King and Prieft ; He reconciles us effe tually, and intercedes with Power, as a Prince ,prevailing with the Lord. And