520 The Gofpel of the Confecration of the Prief s. 8. And laftly, he wears a Golden Crown of Holinefs upon his Forehead before the Lord. And having fuck an High Prieft ; Is not all this- enough to ftrength- en Faith, and to encourage you not only to believe, but to rejoyce in believing, even to rejoyce and triumph in Jefus Chrift ? THE GOSPEL of the CONSECRATION of the PRIESTS. Fab. 2 i, 1668. Exod. 29. ver. I. to 38. THE Contents printed in your Bibles give you the true Analyfis of this Chapter, for there be three things in it. i. The Confecration of the Priefts, to Verf. 38. 2. Thecontinual Burnt-Offering, Vert: 32, &c. 3. The Lord's Promife of his gracious Prefence with the Children of Ifrael, Verf 45. It is only the firft of thefe, viz. the Confecrationof the ilaronical Priefts unto their Office, that we are now to fpeak unto. There be four Things wherein thofe Priefts ofold were Types. i. In their Prieftly Qualifications and other Rites and Rules obferv'd by them. 2. In their Apparel. 3. In their Confecration to their Of- fice. q.. In their Prieftly Miniftrations. The two former of thefe, viz. their Prieftly and ritual Qualifications, asalto their holy Garments have been fpoken to. That which follows next, is their Confecration to their Office, which is declared at large in two Places, almoft two whole Chapters of holyScripture. The Dire&ion of it in this 29th of Exodus, and the Execution of it in the 8th Chapter of Leviticus. This Confecration was the folemn Inveftiture of them in their Of- qce, which was done by fundry facred and mystical Rites and Ceremo- nis ordain'd and appointed of God for that end. They were chiefly Ode four, all mentioned in both thefe Places, Exod. 29. and Lev. 8. Wafhing them. 2. Apparrelling them with' the holy Garments 3. Anointing'