Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the Confecratioat of the Priefts. 52.E Anointing them with the holy Oyl. 4. Sacrificing, and fo fanhify- iug them by Blood. All which I (hall put together in one gen:rerai Prr`rr pofition, or point of Doctrine, which will indeed contain the Sun egg this whole Chapter, as far as to Vert. 38. Do&. That the Confecration of the Priefts ofodd was done by walking them, and by apparrelling them with the holy Garments, and by anointing them with the Holy Oyl, and by facrificing, and fa fanfl`ifying them by the I;llod ofthe Sacrifice. When all this was done, they might officiate in the Prieft'r Office all their Days. And ail thefe Things did point unto fomethir?g of Chrift reprefented by thefe Performances, and may be applied in a. fecondary and inferior way to Minifters and Believers, but firft and chiefly unto Chrift himfelf. For as the Priefts by this Confecration be- came Priefts all-their Days, Exod. z9. Yerf. 9. and the Priefts Officefhali be theirs by a perpetual Statute ; for thou (halt confecrate Aaron and. bis Sons: So the Son of. God is confecrated a Prieft for evermore, Heb. 7. 28. Con- fer. Verf. 27. This Confecration of Jefus Chrift is the Commifüonof the whole Work of our Salvation into his Hand by God the Father. But in the Rites of the Confecration of the Priefts ofold there was as of Neceffity there mutt be) a difparity between the Typeand Art- titype ; there was a great Difproportion between Chrift and them, fun - dry of thofe Rites not agreeing to them both, in the fame dire&man- ner ; fundry Purifications which they ufed, were rather to make then become fit Types of Chrift, then that they fignified fuch parallel Aai- ons to be done by Chrift. The Priefts by means thereof reprefented that Purity which is in Chrift without thofe Means. They were puri- fied, but Chrift was pure : So that in Purity there is an Agreement be- tween Chrift and them ; but in the manner and means thereof, there is a difference. See Heb. 7. 26, 27. And therefore when any fuch ons are afcribed unto Chrift, as when he faith, Ifanttify myfelf, Job. 17. 19. it is to be underftood rather in regard of the Effe&, then of the Aaion, rather ofthe thing it felf, then of the means : But fuch aEtive Exprefrons are ufed partly in relation to theType, the Priefts of old, and partly in relation to the Church of Chrift, the Members, whereof he is the Head : Whatever is done to them, being firlt done to him their Head, fo far as the incommunicable Properties ofeither Will permit. He is therefore pleafed fo to fpeak of himfelf, as being confecrated, and fanaified, and the like. Not as tho' there had been any defe& of Holinefs in him, but as reprefenting them in himfelf. Moreover, we muft remember, that thefe Things are not to be look'd upon by us as terminated in the Perfon of Chrift himfelf; but as rela- ting further to his Church and Members, for whom he is an High X x Met