Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

122 The-Go,fpei of the Confecration of the Prièfs. Pried~ and Mediator with the Lord. Meminerimus, quæ de Confeeratsvne dicun:ur, non fubfflere in ejus perfona, fed referri ad totiacs EccleJìo utilita. tern. Caiv. in Exod. 29. 6 >. Now to come to the particular Ceremonies of their Confecration, they were thofe four mentioned above. I. The firft part of their Confecration was their rvafhing with firater, Exod. 29. 4. Lev. 8. 6. This intimated and hinted two things. ( t. ) The perfect Purity and Holinefs of Jefus Chrift, Heb.7. 26. who is holy, hartrrlefs, undefiled fparate from Sinners; and fuck an High Pricft as behoved as to have. For we needed an holier Prieft then thofe of the Aaronical Order. They were typically Holy, and forne of them really, but Chrift infinitely. 2.) This pointed alfo at the Baptifmof Chrift at his firft Entrance upon his publick Miniftry, Mat, 3. Thus this great High Prieft was confecrated and initiated by walhing with Water. The firft thing he Both to his People, is, to waíh them. He findeth them in a wretched and lothfom Condition, polluted in their own Blood, Ezek. i6. 9. th,n ivafhed I thee with Water, yea, 1 thoroughly wafhed away thy Blood from thee, and I anointed thee with Oyl : And fo they did to the Priefts of old, Rev. t. 5, 6. Ile loath loved us, and wafhed us fromour Sins with bis own Blood, and bath made us Kings and Prie» unto God and his Father. Therefore Sinners are exhorted unto this, as the firit thing they have to do, Ifa. r. 16. wafhye, and makeye clean. 2. The fecond Ceremony of Confecration was, the apparelling of them with the holy Garments, Exod. 29. 5. Lev. 8.7. Thefe Garments are de- fcribed at large in the precedent Chapter, viz.. Exod. 28. they were therefore fpoken to under a former Head. You have heard how they did betoken all thofe fpiritual Graces and Excellencies which our great High Prieft is furnifhed and adorned with. And the next Workof his' Grace upon Vs, after the washing away of Sin, is to clothe the Souls of his People with the Garment of Holinefs, and fo to make them every way Beautiful. See that eminent Scripture, Ezek, i6. 19. and what follows Vol: to. I clothed thee alfo with broidered Work, andfhod thee with Badgers Skin, and girded thee about with fine Linnen, and I covered thee wirb Silk. See alfo the next following Vcries, viz.. 11. 12, r3. 3. The third Ceremony ofconfecrating, was the anointing them with holy Oyl, Exod. 29. 7. Lev. 8.12. The Compofition of which facred Ointment is inftit:uted and directed in Exod. 3o. 23. As to theMyftery and Meaning of it. (i.) This holy Oyl fignified the Spirit of God, and anointing there- v: ith, the Communication 9fthe Spirit in the faving-Graccs, and in the Divine