Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the Confecrationof the Priefs. y. Divine Joys and Confolations of it: `So Ifa. 6z. 1. The Spirit ofthe Lord' %F upon me, the Lord bath anointed rzse----- A&. t0. 38. f e anointed `fefss of Nazareth with the Holy Ghofl. ( 2.) The anointing of the Priefls fignified the anointing of Jefus, Chrift with theSpirit beyond Meafure, Pfd. 45.7. Tohn 3. 34. Tilis is called the Refting of the Spirit upon him, Ifa. I z. 2. as upon Eli/ha, 2 Kings 2. 15. and upon Eldad and Medad, Numb. z t. 26, fo t Pct. 4. 14.. the Spirit ofGod and of Glory refs on the Members of Chrift, efpe -: dally when in Sufrrings, it being derived unto them from him. Hence he is called the Meflìas ye«., the anointed one, bccaufe hechiefly is anointed with the Spirit. ( 3. ) As this holy Oyl ftay'd not upon Aaron's Head, but defcended and ran down -upon his Beard, and to the Skirts of his Garments, as is obferved, Pfal. 133.2. fo the Holy Ghoft, the Spit it of Chrift di- ftils, and is diffufed from Chrift the Head unto all theMembers of his Body, fo as the meaneft Saints have this anointing in their Meafure, z, ohn 2. 20, 27. and do receive of hisfalnefs, even Grace for Grace, Job. T. t6. hence they bear his Name, and are called Chriftians, as being partakers of his anointing. ( 4.) The Tabernacle, and the Altar, and all theholy Veffels were anointed with the fame facred Oyl, when he anointed Aaron, at the fame time alto he anointed them, Lev. 8.1o, 1102. The MyJteryof this is evident. It teachethus, that all Ordinances and Performances profit not, unlefs they be anointed, unlefs the Spirit be in them, with the Power and Prefence'of his Grace. This makes them molt holyand elfe&ual for Good, Exod. 3o. 29. and if he breathe in them, whatfc-e- ver toucheth them is Holy. ( 5.) This holy Oyl might not be put to any common life ; upon 114an's Flefh it fhall not be poured, Exod. 3o. 31, 32. which plainly inti- mates thus much ; That carnal and unregenerate Men have not the Spirit, that there be force who have not theSpirit, viz., all carnal Men, Jude 19. John 14. 17. Rom. 8. 1, 6, 9. 1 Cor. 2. 14, (6.) Nor might any be made like unto it, Exod. 3o. 33. Men are not to imitate and Counterfeit the Ordinaces of God, or the Graces of his Spirit. It is the Brand fet upon jeroboam, that be devifed a Day or his own Heart, like unto the Feaft which is in Judah, 1 Kings 12.32. 4. The fourth and Taft part of their Confecration was, by facrificing and fanitifying them by the Blood thereof, Exod. 29. 1 o, Crc. Lev. 8. 14, &c. fignifying how that Chrift fhould put away Sin by the Sacrifice of himfelf, 9, 26. and Vert LZ. X x X 2 QsteP