Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

524 The Gfpel ofthe Confecratzon of the Priels. Ouefl. But then here a Queftion prefently arifeth ; How comes this in here in Confecration ? For the Death and Sufferings of Chrift feem to belong rather to the Execution of his Prieftly Office, then to his initiation and Confecration thereunto. Sol. To this there may be three Anfw ers given. I. That there is in this a Difparity between the Type and 6he Anti- type, as the Apoftle intimates, Beb. 7. i7, 28. this is fome part of an Anfwer, but this is not all for it would be batik ire this fo main apart of their Confecration, not at all to "refembleChrift. Therefore for a further Anfwer. 2. That Chrift was confecrated to the fa Execution of his Prieftly Office by his Death and Sufferings. He could not officiate as Mediator and perform, the trhole Work of his Prieftly Office ; he. could not fave them to the uttermof that come unto God by him, till he had fuffered Death. It is true Chrift was a Prieft before ; but he was but a Prieft in a State of Abafement and Humiliation ; he was not capacitated to execute the Triumphing part of his Prieftly Office, till he had firft hum- bled himfelf unto Death: Therefore he is faid to be .confecrated thro' Sufferings, Heb. 2.10. This Word 7eNfr6 is ufed by the Greek Inter- preters forConfecration in Exod. 29. and Lev. 8. and elfewhere, and fo rendred by our Tranflators, Heb. 7. 25. fee Heb. 2.10. and Heb. 5.8,9. being confecrated, which we render being made perfea, afair«fsì., that is, tho'he were a Son ; yet having learned Obedience by the things he fuffered, and fo being confecrated, he became the .4athor of eternal Salva tion to all them that obey him He could not become fuch an Author till confecrated by his Sufferings, or made perfe&.. Chrift mutt firft die, and fo put away Sin, before he can appear in the Prefence of God in heaven for us, which is a.great part ofhis Prieftly Office. ehrifium oportuit Cruce inaugurari in futon Primatum, Calvin. in Heb. 2. IOvid. Caly. in Exod. 29. 16. He was a Prieft in the form ofa Servant before ; but he was not a Prieft in Glory, till confecrated thereunto by his own Blood. 3. Some- apply it to the Gofpel-Miniftry thus That the Gofpel- Mliniftry was confecrated by the Blood of Chrift. For though it is true, the Miniftry is the immediate Fruit of Chrift's Afcenfion into Glory; as Ephef 4. yet his Exaltation being founded in his Death Here- therefore is the foundation of the Church and Miniftry. How great' is their Sin, who defpife their Office, who rejea their Meffage, and fo defpife the. Glory, yea, alfo defpife the. Death and . Blood of Chrift Now