The Gcfpel ofthe Confecration of the Priefis. 525' Now concerning this part of the Priefi's Confecration, viz bySa- eifces, there be divers things obfervable. There were divers Rites and Ceremonies particularly required in thefe Sacrifices of Confecration, which were cómmon to all the Sacrifices ; as the killing them, pouring out the Blood, burning them upon the Altar, 6'`c. which I fhall not handle in this Place, but rather refer them to the Head of Jewifh Sa crifices, as their more proper Place to which they do belong ; and where they have hesn fpoken to. See before,. pag. 248, &c. Therefore at this time 1 that] only mention fuch fpecial Rites and Ceremonies as are peculiar to this Bufinefs of Confecration. And of this kind there are four Rules here obfervable. r. They were to offer all forts of Sacrifi:es; aSin-Offering, Ver. 14. a- Burnt-Offering, Verf. 1-8,. and a Peace-Of2ring, Verf. 28... to -teach not only the fpecial Holinefs that ought tobe found in them; but the deep nefs of the !lain and guilt of Sin :.= That there muff be Expiations of all forts to cleanfe them throughly from it :-Tanta mollis erat : So great a Work it was to cleanfe the Soul from Sin. And to chew the compleat and perfea cleanfing andexpiation that is in the Blood of Jefus Chrift: We are perfehly clean thro' him ; he is both Sinoffering, and <Burnt- offering, and Peace-offering, and All in All, 2. The Methód and Order of thefe Sacrifices is Remarkable : -för they were firft to offer the Sin - Offering, then the whole Burnt - Offering, and then the Peace - Offering. This is to be interpreted by the Confideration of thole peculiar Refpeas which each kind of Offeringhad: Though they did all aim at the farm eneral Scope, the purging away of Sin ; yet if we confider them diftin ly. The Sin Offering, fpeaks ,Pardon of Guilt,; the Holocauf]`, or the whole Burnt - Offering, the Dedication or giving upour felves to God, to his Ule or Service by the Fire of his Spirit; the Peace -Offering, our Thankfulnefs in the Senfe and Affurance of Peace between God and us. The reft could not have been accep- ted if the SinOffeting had not gone before, and made way for then: Hence the Inftru&ion is, that till Sin be done away, all Sacrifices and Ser- vices are abominable:. Make that thy fiat Work, thy great and prime requeft to God, to get Pardon of Sin. 3. A third remarkable Rite about thefe Sacrifices of Confecration is this, that the Blood was to be put upon the tip of the right Ear, and upon the Thumb of the right Hand, and the great Toe of the right Foot of Aaron and his Sons, Verf zo. Ta teach and fignify that the Work of Gofpel-Sanaification doth extend to the whole Man, to all theparts andmembers of the Body, and to all the Powers and Faculties of the Soul : So the Apoille implies in that Prayer of his for the ThefÇ faloniatas,