The Gold of the 1V1inOrations of the -Legal Minilliy. , 527 4. We may learn a!fo this from there facred Rites of the Confecra- tion of the Plieffs, that under the New Teftatnent there fhould be no Gofpel- Minifters, but f'ch as are called and conêcrated by God to that Work; fee Heb. 5. 4.. 'Tisfet as a Brand upon that wicked feroboam, that hémade ofte ba/eft ofthe People Priefts, even whofoever r'ocald, he con- fecrated him ; bat this thin became Sin to th: Haaefe ofJéroboam, even to it off, and to defiroy it from off the Face of the Earth; as the Holy Ghoft exprefly tells us r Kings t 3. 33, 34. THE Gofpel of the M;niftrations of theLegale". MINISTRY.. Numb. chap. 18. Feb. 28.1668.~Morning and Evening, Here were three forts of Officers in the old Legal Miniftry; r. The Priefts. 2. The Levites. 3. The Nethinims. Of the Priefts you have heard four Things propounded. t.. The fpe cial Rites and Qualifications of that Order of Priefthodd, 2. Their Prieftly Apparrel. 3. Their Confecration. q.. Their Prieftly Miniftrations in the Houfé ofGod. This lait remains to be fpoken to ; for which this Chapter may be the Text and Foundation of our Dif-- eourfe. The Chapter confifts of two parts: t. The Work of the Prieftsand `. Levites. 2. Their Maintenance. r. Their Work and Office to Ver.8. The feveral Work of the Priefts and of the Levites is here exaaly diftinguifhed, their feveral Offices bounded and determinated by the Soveraign Wifdom and Authority, of God, fetting each their Limits, which they might not on highefé Penalties tranfgrefs and violate. The Charge of the Sanauary and the Altar, with the Things appertaining thereunto, was committed to the Priefts : TheCharge of the Tabernacle to the4evises, Vert, 7. I.. Fox.