Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

528 The Gofpel ofThe Miniflrations oftheLegal Miiffy. t. For the Prieft's ; their Work was the Charge of theSan nary and the Altar, and the holy Vefl'els and Services thereof. There they muft look to, and of thefe God would require and expert an Account at their Hands. And the Lord fail unto Aaron, thou and thy Sons, and tby Fa- ther's Houfe with thee (hall bear the .Iniquity of the Sanftuary, and of your Frieftbood, Verf. r. that i , the Guilt and Punifhment of whatever is done amifs in thefe Matters. The Stranger that cometh nigh fhali be put to Death, Verf. 7. the Stranger here is not meant of other People and Nations only, as in othert1aces ; but any other Fftttily betide the Fa- mily of Aaron, the refit of Ifrael, yea the Levites themfelves were Stran- gers in this Senfe. There are many Particulars comprifed under this general Head, of the Charge of the Alter and SinEtuary ; in each of which I fhall but briefly thew, how they had an Eye to Jefus Chrift the Prieft and Mini- íter of the trueSanE.tuary. . 4. Firft then, this includes the holy Vefl'els, and all the hallowed Things thereof, Verf 7. fo Numb. 4. 5 15. and Verf 16. In like manner kath God committed the whole Church of God, and all the Myfteries of our Salvation to the Trutt, and Care, and Charge ofJe- fus Chrift ; for the Tabernacle is the Church. An the Concernments of his People, all their Graces, and Duties, and Comforts meet in him, and are under his fpecial Care and Trait : Therefore they are faid to begiven to him by the Father, John 3, 35. z. The offering Sacrifice, and ordering that whole Matter is here alfo plainly included, as being part of the Charge _ of the Altar ; the Prieft was to kill and Brefs the Sacrifices, and fprinkle the Blood there- of, and tomanage and difpofe of that whole Affair, Lev. s .1. and he, that is the Prieft, ¡ball kill the Bullock before the Lord ; and. the Priefts, the Sons of Aaron, (ball fprinkle the Blood, &c. lieb. 5. I. Every High Friefl taken from among Men is ordained for Men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both Gifts andSacrifices for Sins : And the fame Apoftle applies it exprefly to Jefus Chrift, Heb. 8. 3. For every High Prieft is ordained to offer Gifts and Sacrifices wherefore it is ofNecef ty, that this Man, that is Chrift, have fomewhat`alfo to offer, that is, himfelf, his own blefl'ed Body and humane Nature. This is the, Sacrifice he offer- ed. And fo he himfelf was both the Sacrifice and the Prieft ; the Frieft in regard of both his)Vatures, and the Sacrifice in regard of his Humane Nature ; fee Heb. t o. ro, t r, t z. No other can offer any expiatory Sa- crifice to make Atonement with the Lord, but only he- ----He trod the Wine-prefs alone in this refpe&, and of the People there was none with him, as Ifa. 63.3. g. The