Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the Min f ration of the Levi Minjry. 529 3. The Priefts were to light thefeven facred Lamps of thegolden Can - dleftick, Exod. 27. zo, 21. Lev. 24. 2, 3. This fhadovws forth Chrift the true Light, 7obri I. 9. fhining forthand enlightening his Church by his Spirit in the Miniftry of the Word : For the Golden Candlefticks are the Churches ; the (even Stars, or Lights in the tops of the Candle- flicks, are the Angels or Minifters of the Churches, Rev. r. 20. yet the Miniftry conudered barely in it felfdoth not enlighten, but as il- luminated by the gpirit, Rev. 4. 5. 4. The Prieft was to burn fweet Incenfe upon the Golden Altar when he drefled the Lamps, Exod. 30. 7, 8. This is Prayer and Interceflion, and this is Chrift's Work : He prays, and he perfumes the Prayers of his People with the fweet Incenfe of his own Merits and Mediation And as theyare daily praying ; fo Chrift is daily interceding for them .Rev. 8. 3, 4. 5. The Prieft was to fet the Shew-bread upon the Golden Table bee. fore the Lord every Sabbath, Lev. 24.8. Every Sabbath /hall befit it in order before the Lord continually : So doth Jefus Chrift prefent, and fet the whole number ofhis Elea before the Lord continually, as the Shew. bread upon the Table, where his favourable Eye and Face is always upon them. 6: The Prieft was to biefs the People in the Name of the Lord ; and well he might: For blefTed indeed are fuch a People, who have fuch an Altar and Sanauary, and fuch a Sacrifice offered for them ; amongft whom the Lamp of God chines ; whofe Prayers afcend and come up before him, as Incenfe upon the Golden Altar out of the Hand ofthe true High Prieft, the Angel of the Covenant ; and who ftand before the Face ofGod) and under theEye and Care of God continually, Numb. 6.23. and fo on to the end , And accordingly the Priefts did fo, when they had performed their other Miniftrations, Lev.9.22, 23. And God ratified it, For the Glory of the Lord appeared unto all the People : So 2 Chron. 30. 27. Then the Priefis and Levites arofe andbleffed the People ; and their Voice ma's heard, and their Prayer came up to his Dwelling- place, even unto Heaven. So doth Jefus Chrift biefs his People, Luke 24. 50. and that moft really and effeaually, Acts 3. 26. Thefe were the Prieft- ly Miniftrations. Objell. But now it may be demanded, wherein then differed the High Prieft from the other ordinary Priefts, thefe Miniftrations belongingw them, as well as him ? Anfm. There were three things peculiar to the High Prieft, wherein he was advanced by God above his Brethren. Y Y Y He