Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

53o The Gofpel of the Miniftrataon of the-Legal Minzfiry. i I . He had a fuperiority of Spiritual Power and Jurifdiaion overall the Minifters of the Sanûuary, both the Priefts and Levites, Nurnb. 4. i 9.. alfoVerf. 27. fee Deut.17. 12. and fo Aaron was the Archbifhop,. or Primate as it were, to overfee and order all : So is Jefus Chrift in the Church of God ; he is the 'Açjíq nv. I Pet. 5. 4. And when thechief Shepherd [hall appear, ye (hall receive a Crown ofGlory that fadeth not away. He only is the chief Shepherd. 2. The High Prieft was clothed with peculiar Garments ofGlory and Beauty, Exod. 28. The inferior Priefts, the Sortsof Aaron had but four Prieftly Garments, Linnen- Drawers, and. Coats, and Girdles, and Bonnets, Exod. 28. 40. but Aaron the HighPrieft had a Breaft-plate, and an Ephod, a Robe, a broidered Coat, a Mitre, and a Girdle, with the Vrim and Thummirn, and precious Stones in his Breaft-plate, and on the Shoulders of his Ephod, and a Crown or Plate of Gold upon his Mitre, Exod. 28. Verf. 4. and fo is Jefus Chrift fairer then the Sons of Men, more beautiful then any other, Pfal. 45. 2. 3. The third Prerogative of the High Prieft was in his glorious Miniftration upon the great Day of Atonement, when he went into the bolieft of all, to make Atonement there before the Lord, Lev. 16. which none but He might do. Thus Jefus Chrift is entred not into the holy Places made with Hands, which are the Figures of the true ; but into Heaven it felf, now to appear in the Prefence of God for us, .Heb. 9. 24. .Neither by the Blood of Goats andCalves;, but by his own Blood be entred in once into the Holy Place, having obtainedeternal Redemption for us, ibid. \Terf. 12. Here note, as a Corollary, the Wickednefs ofthe Bifhopof Rome, who calls himfelf the High Prieft amongft Chriftians, as Aaron was amongft the Jews. His judaizing antichriftian Wickednefs.. And all other fuch A.rchbifhops, and Primates, and Prelates fall under the fame Condemnation ; who differ notfpecie,but only gradu, not in Kind, but only inDegree, from the Ufurpations ofthat Man ofSin. I know no other High Prieft, no other Archbifhop, or chief Shepherd of our Souls under the Gofpel, but only lefiis.Chrift. Some thus underftand that of Paul, Aä.23.5., Iwill not that he was the High Prieft, I acknow- ledge not that there is an High Prieft, Vide Beza in t Pet. 5.4. Againft this Primacy which the Pope ufurps, confider, i. This High Prieft in this pre - eminence abovehis Brethren was an exprefs Type of e/us Chrift,;. of whom it is faid, that be waa thefirfl.born among many Brethren, Rom. 8: 29. - 2. The Ecclefialtical pre-eminence amongft Miniftersis exprefly for- bidden under the,Gofpel. How often Both thrift reprove his Difci- ples