Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

28 The Gòfftl`Preached under. the Old bable, that the Vigor of the Earth, and the Virtue of the -Herbs Plants and Fruits thereof, could not but be fomewhat impaired and decayed by that whole years Winter. Therefore, for men upon a Religious account to forbid the eating of force Meats, as the Papifis forbid Fleih in Lent, it is a fuperflitious Infringement of the Libertyhere granted, and given by the Lord unto all the Sons of Noah. 4.. The Blood was wholly referved and excepted, Gen. 9.4. But Flefhwith the Life thereof, is the Blood thereof, (hall ye not eat. This feems to be done partly upon a Moral, and partly upon a Ceremonial account. Moral; for mans Health, and to prevent that Ferity and Savagenefs which Mankind is fo apt to degenerate into : As in tome barbarous Nations, they would drink the living Blood out of the dorfe they rode upon, opening a Vein with an Inflrument when they were thirfly. This is Barbarous and Savage ; and this Prohibition here given, ex- cludesand forbids fach a Pra&ice. Thofe Gyants of wickednefs before the Flood, it is not improbable, but that to other barbarous and raging fins, they might add the eating of living Creatures alive ; therefore the Lord doth fo direaly and ex.prefly interdict and forbid it. And it is the Judgment of force very learned men, that the eating of Blood cold, anddreft as other Meat, was not at all forbidden For the Pro- hibition lies not direaIy againfl Blood, but against the eating of living Flefh, Flefh animated with the living Blood ; the Blood being theSeat, and Chariot of the Life and Vital Spirits. Some thinkkwas done upon a Ceremonial account. The Blood was refetved as a facred thing unto the Lord, till filch time as that precia ous Blood was shed, which bath put an end to all Types and Shadows. This is expreffed, Levit. r'7. z r. I bave given it toyou upon the Attar, to make an atonementfor your Souls : For it is the Blood that maketh an a- tonement for the Soul : As the former moral Reafon is expreffed, It is true, the Ceremonial Law came by Mofes ; but the meaning is not, that there were no Parts at all ofit before his time ; for there were Sa- crifices from the Fall of Man : But the meaning is, that Mofes did in- corporate and fumthem all up together, with many divine enlargements and additions, into that great Body of Ceremonial Laws by him efta- bl.ilhed and fetled in that Church and People of Ifrael. Therefore there might be a Ceremonial Prohibition of Blood even from Noah's time. 5. The Lord nowgave unto Mankind that great Ordinance of Magifira- cy, Gen. 9; 6. bl7hopfbeddeth Mans Blood, by Man fbal3 his Blood befhed. Of which Divines fay truly, that it is Reanedium corruptor 1Vaturre. But yet