Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the Min ration of the .Legal Minijky. 533" As to the Gofpel of this, you know the true Sacrifice is Chrift, and he is the Prieft and the Levite too ; he did all himfelf alone without any Afliftance. 3, The Levites were to teach the People in the Law of the Lord Therefore fcattered and difperfed in their Habitations up and down among them, Deut. 33. to. they (hall teach Ifrael thy Law---Mal. z. Verf. 7. the Priefl's Lips fhould keep Knowledge, and they fhould leek the Law at bis Mouth, for be is the Meffenger of the Lord of Hofls, z Chron: 7, 8, 9. jehofaphat feat Levites to teach. It is the Magiftrate's Duty to provide for the teaching and inftrnaing of his Subjeas in the good Knowledge of the Lord. This Chrift doth, and this Gofpel- Minifters alto do they fhould teach thePeaple, what the Lord hath taught them.. 4. They were to judge of Caufes, and to determineControverfies a- mong the People, Dent. 17.8,9--t 2. the fupream Judgment Iying in the High Prieft, Verf. t r. Amaziah the Priell in thofe things which belong to God (hall prep*, 2 Chron. 19. 8, ro. fo there is fpiritual Judgment of Difcipline in the Church under the Gofpel, Ezek.44.23,24. I Cor.5. t z. 5. They were to Ping the Songs of the Temple. That BuWnets of the Temple - Mufick was committed to them, partly, as to the Pfalteries, Harps and Viols, tho'the Priefts were to found the Trumpets, t Chron. 15. 16, r 7. 2 Chron. 5. t 2, r 3. That which anfwers this, is the inward melodyof the Joys and Graces ofGod's Spirit. 6, Others of them were Treafurers, r Chron.26 20,22,24,26,27,2,8. There is a Treafure alto in the Church of the New Teftament, for which the Lord bath appointed Deaeons whom he hath intrufted with its 7. Others were Porters to keep and watch the Gates of the Houle of the Lord, which they did both by Day, to keep back unclean Perfons, that they might not enter into the Temple : So we find in 'ehoiada's Tim,e, 2 Chron. 23. I 9 Ezek.22.26. and Ez,ek.44.7,8. and by Night, Pfal. 134, r. There feem to have been, as the Priefls and Singers were, divided into four and twenty Courfes, r Chron. 23:4,5,6. 2 Chron. 8.14. So the Gates of the Gofpel-Churches fhould be kept and guarded, that Enemies and unclean Perfons may not enter in, Rev. 2r. 27. 3. The third fort of Temple-Officers were theNethinims or Gibeonites, Jofh. 9. for the fervile Workof the Temple, Verf 21.23,27. And Jolhua gave them that Day to be Hewers of Wood, and drawersofWater, for tire Congregation, and for the Altar ofthe Lord. Hence they are called Netbi- nims, fromNathan, dedit. Theywere afterwards methodized by David for the Temple-fervice, Ezra 8. 20. and had Lodgings near theTem. 'ple, Nebem. 3. 26. tho'their Dwellings were in their own Towns and Cities, Nehem..7.73., the Nethenims dwelt in their Cities, Their .