534 The Gofpel of the Miniiration of the Legal lifinifiry. Their coming-to theâlfraeiítes was to fave their own Lives, as a law- ful end ; but the means they ufed Was very evil : For they carne with a Ly in their Mouths, as you all know the Story, 'ofh. 9. And as their means was bad : So the motive was but low ; for they were under a legal Work of fear and terror, and under guilt and guile of Spirit, as indeed Guilt is ufually accompanied with guile and deceitfulnefs of Heart. Yet out of this legal Principle, this legal Fear and terror, they came to make their Peace, I may call it in a Senfe, their Peace with God ; for it was with the People of God, with the .People of the true God : And God by his Providence did fo order it, that their Lives were preferved ; and not only fo, but they were devoted, the in a very low and mean way, to the Service of the Tabernacle of the true and living God. 7ofhua and the Princes` ( as force alledge ) might have banithed them, being engaged' by their Oath no further, but to the faxing of their Lives : But they fuffered them frill to dwell in the Land, and de- voted them as the first Fruits of the Slaves or Servants to the Lord. Their Work was to provide and bring in Water to the Lavers and molten Sea, and to provide Wood for the Fire of the Altar of Burnt- Offering. The Time when they did this their Service, feems to have been early in the Morning, and late at Night ; before the Morning- Sacrifice, which was at Nine a Clock in the Morning, andafter the Evening-Sacrifice, which was not till Three a Clock in the Afternoon. But by this means having fuch Accefs into the Courts of the Temple, they came to fee and know fomething of the Worfhip of the trueGod. And, as David faith, Pfal. 84. 10. better be a Door-keeper in the Houfe of 'God, then to dwell in the Tents of Wickednefs ; better be but a Gibeonite to the Worfhip of the true God, then the High Prieft of Baal or 14pollo. Thefe Gibeonites or Netbinims were fo incorporated into the Common- wealth of lfrael, that as they were carried away to Babylon with the reft of God's People, fo they returned with them, and accordingly are feveral times mentioned inEzra and Nebemials. This we may learn from the whole Hiftory of them; that it is much better for Men to feekafter God, tho' they do it meerly out of legalfear and terror, as thefe poor Creatures did, then wholly to negle t him. The Lord in the bringing home of his Elea, ufually begins with legal Works, and then by degrees carries it on further in fuch as belong to the Eleaion ofhis Grace. And now you have feen the feveral kinds of thefeTemple-Officers. The nextthing to be fpoken to,is their Maintenance. For you may ask, Queíf.