The Gofpel ofthe Miniftration of the Legal Mini ry. 5-93 Queft. How was all this large and numerous Hierarchyof Temple.Officers maintained ? .Afro. There was a large and plentiful Provifion made for them; which is the fecond part of this Chapter, from Tyerf. 8. to the end ; no lefs then five and twenty Verfes are employed upon this; betide which, if you will have a full Account of it, we mutt borrow Light from other Scriptures. Their Maintenance confifted chiefly in thefe Eight 'Particu- lars, the three firft whereof are mentioned in this Chapter. I. All the Offeritt('s and Sacrifices that were given to the Lord, the Lord gave part thereof to thefe his Minifters : So here, Verf. 9, mac, Hence the Apoftle faith, Dó ye not know, that they that wait at the Altar, are Partakers with the Altar, and they which minifter about holy Things, live of the Things of the Temple, r Cor. 9.13. The Meat-Offerings, Sin- Offerings,. Trefpafs-Offerings, Heave-Offerings,'.Wave- Offerings were theirs, the right Shoulder, and the Wave-Breaft were theirs, the two Cheeks and the Maw, Deut. i8: 3. and in the Burnt-Offerings the Skin: 2. They had the firft Fruits of all Things, and that of the belt : So here in Numb. 18. Verf. 12. 13,15, c 6, 17. of Corn, Oyl, Wine, of Men and Beafts ; whereof Men, the firft-born of Men, and of Beafts that were not clean for Sacrifice, were redeemed with Money, five Shekels a Head, Dent. .18. 4. and they had three forts of firft Fruits. r. Of the firft ripe Ears of Corn offered at the Paffover, which was Barly ; becaufe that was firft ripe in that Country, Lev. 23. 1 O. Lev. 2. 14. 2. Firft Fruits of Pentecoft; and this of Wheat: which was then ripe, Lev. 23. 15. 3. Firft Fruits of all the other Fruits of the Earth, of which Numb. 18.13. Deut.-i S, 4.. and Deut. 16. 2. 3. The Levites had the Tenths of all the Increafe ofthe Land, Numb. 18. 2.o, &c. the Tenth of which Tenth went to the Priefts, Verf. 26. 4.. They had Gleab-Lands, forty eight Cities with their Suburbs, for themfelves, and their Cattel. The Inftitution whereof is in Numb. 35. the eight firft Verfes. The Performance is recorded inyofb.21. through- out the Chapter, whereof thirteen were given to the Priefts, the reft to the Levites, fix of them were Cities of Refuge. 5. They had voluntary Prefents' and Contributions at the three fog lemn Feasts, Deut. 16..16, 17. 6. They had Poll- Money, halfa Shekel at every general Mutter of the People, <and the third part of a Shekel yearly. Of the formeryou have the Ordinance, Bxod.3o. 12-16. it is there faid to befor the Service of the Tabernacle ; which Thews, that the Levites had it, tho' withal the Lord puts another refpet an upon it. The ordaining ofthe latter you find, 7 Ths