853 A briefView and Recapitulation of all the Types; &c. And now towind up all,. I. (hall but briefly Recapitulate and gather tap the Heads of things, and fo conclude. All thefe old legal Types and Shadows may be ranged into thefe fe- ven Claffes, or general Heads. s . Perfoal Types, fundry individual Perfons before the Law, fuch as ;Adam, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, Ifaac, 7acob and Yoleph. There were divers alfo under the Law, fuch as Moles and YoThna, Sampfon, David and Solomon, Elijah, Elifha and 7or1ah,. Zerubbabel and Yeohofhuah. And betides thefe individual . Perfons that were Types, there were alfo typical Ranks and religious Orders ofMen under the Law, fuch as their Nazarites, their Prophets, Priefts and Kings. All thefe were perfonal Types, and this is the firft Claffis. 2. Occafional Types, fuchThings as Yacob's Ladder, Mofes's Burning Bufh, the Pillar of Cloud and Fire, Manna, and Water out of the Rock, the Brazen Serpent, the Pool of Betbefday. . And betide fuch typical Things ; there were typical Allions, and Dif-. penfations of Providence, as their Deliverance out of Egypt, their palling thro' the Red Sea, and thro' the Wildernefs, and thro' Yordan, and . poffeffing the Land of Canaan, and their Captivity and Deliverance out of Babylon. And there were not only Inch typical Mercies and Deliverances, but typical Vengeance and Deftruáion upon Enemies, the Flood, Sodom and aomorrab, Egypt, fericho, Babylon, Edom, were Types of Romeand Hell. This is the fecond generalHead of Types, thefe trantient and occa- fional Types. 3. The third is, that initiating Seal ofthe Old Teftament, Circumci/ion ; that famous Ordinance which flood in Force about two thoufand Years, much longer then the Temple and Temple-Ordinances. 4. The fourth is, the Holy Places ; as the Tabernacle and Temi ic,,. with all the Holy Velfels and Utenfils belonging to them, the Brazen Altar of Burnt-Offering, the moltenSea and Lavers, the two Pil rs of the Temple, the Golden Candleftick, the Tables of Shew- Bread. the Golden Altarand Center of Incenfe, the Ark, withall the glorious Ap- purtenances thereof This is the ,fourth Claffis of them. 5. The fifth is, the Prieftbood, with all the Legal Miniftry, and ail the Concealments thereof, the Rules of thefe Religious Orders, their holy Miniftring Garments, the Ephod, the Brealt-plate, the Urim and Thummim, the Mitre, the holy Crown, their Confecration to their Office, their Admiuiitrations in their Office.. ynd^