Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

Abrief View of all the Types opened. 539" And to the Priefts belonged ( as fubordinate to them ) the Levites who were Porters, Singers, Treafurers, Judges. And laftly the Ne thinims. 6. The Legal Sacrifices and Purifications . Their Burnt-Offerings, Meat-Offerings, Peace-Offerings, Sin;Offerings, TrefpafsOfferings the Purifications of unclean Touches, unclean Meats, unclean Iltues, and chiefly the Leprofy ; both the Signs and Indications, and likewife the Purifications of it, they were all Typical. 7. The feventh and laft is, the fewifh Feftivals, or holy Times and Sea- fons : As the Pafiover, Pentecoft, the Feaft of Tabernacles., the Feaft of Trumpets, tfie Feaft of Expiation, their New Moons, their Sab- baths, weekly every Saturday, as allo every feventh Year, and every fiftieth Year, feven times feven, which is the Jubilee. Thefe are foreof the general Heads of things, which you have heard fpoken to, and the Gofpel-myfteries included in them, have beets briefly opened and unfolded. This is the proper and genuine Method and Order of them, which to have thus rehearfed may a little help and refrefh your Memories. There are three Thingsmore which muff needs be added and annex- ed unto all that bath been faid, each of which might have deferved a diftina Difcourfe by it felt. But I (hall but name them, becaufe I wouldconclude at this time. j. That all this typical Difpenfation is expired andabolifhed by the exhi. bition of yefus Chrifl the Truth and Subflance andScope ofall : Thefe Sha- dows are vanifhed away by the riling of that Sun of Righteoufnefs ; this is that which the great Apoftle Both exprefly aftert, Col. 2.14. He loath blotted out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that was againft us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the Way, nailed it to bit Croft. This the Jews do not believe. D. TheGofpel- DifpenfationBoth fucceed, and is fubflituted inftead thereof So the fame Apoftle, Heb. i. r, a. God, who at fundry Times, and in di- ' vers Manners fpake in time pall- unto the Fathers by the Prophets, bath in thefe Taft Days fpoken unto us by his Son. Instead of Mofes the Servant of the Lord, we have Chrift himfelf the Son of God ; inftead of the Law and the Prophets, we have the Gofpel and Evangelifts, whogive us an Hiftory inftead of Prophefy: They tell us that Chrift iscome; where- as the Law and theProphets only faid, he (halt come. The Jews do not believe this neither ; As they adhere to the Law, fo they rejeá the Gofpel. 3. ?his Gorpel-Difpenfation is far more glorious then that old Legal Dif- penfation, For is not theSubstance better then the Shadows ? The Law fromm