540 The typical Dijienfntion is ceafed from Mount Sion is more glorious then the Law from Mount Sinai The Spirit is better then.the Letter, a Cor. 3.6. to Verrf r r. The Let- ter there is not the written Word, and the Spirit the Enthu/ïafns ofa deluded Fancy, Cas fome have underftood it;) but the Letter is the Law, and the Spirit is the Gofpel, as the Whole Context thews. And look, as theJews do not believe the two former : So the Papiíts and other fuperftitious Chriftians do not believe this third ; and there- fore they feek to add an external Legal Pomp and Splendor, which is Carnal, to the Worfhip of the Gofpel, to the Spiritual Majefty and Glory of the Gofpel, and Gofpel-Ordinances, which their carnal Eyes are not able to fee and difcern. Remember thefe three Things, and carry them along with you. The Abolition and Expiration of the Law, with all the Types thereof. The Succelion and Subftitution ofthe Gofpel. And the Pre-eminence of Glory in the Gofpel above the Law. And now bleffed be God, who hath carried me thro' this Subject of the Types and Shadows of the Old Teftament ; a Subjea in it felf ufe- ful and edifying, were it handled according to its worth. I mutt confefs, i have found fome Experience of Afliftance and help from God, Pince firft I entred upon it, much beyond my own Weak- nefs and Unworthinefs, I hope, thro' the influence of your Prayers, and thro' the Grace of Chrift fhining into a dark Heart. But I have been but brief in divers Things, which have deferveda much larger and better Explication. If you can fay concerning any part or portion of holy Scripture, that now you ,underftand it fome- thing better, and that you fee a little more into it then you did before; If you have found any Refrefhings by what you have heard, any En- ightenings and Increafings of Gofpel-Light by it, live up thereto, and biefs the Lord, who hath taken off the Veil fromMofes's Face, and the Veil fromyour Hearts.