Tetiarnent, atfundry times. 35 which might indeed be more eafilydone, when men lived fo many hundred years: For fome havewell obferved,that tbreepa- ñ 9 2s triarchs, for the fpace of two thoufand years and more, from the beginning of the World to ffaac, might fuf ice to propagate true Religion. Adam toMethufelah, who lived with him two hundred forty two years: Methufelah to Sem ; for Methufelah lived almoft an hundred years after Sem was born : and then Sem to Ifaac ; for Sem lived five hundred and twoyears after theFlood ,which reached to the fiftieth year of Ifaac. And during molt of this time all the world had but one Language, whereby they could fpeak and communicate their thoughts to whomfoever they would. Yet as to the generality of mankind the knowledg of God was quite loft and forgotten by force, and by others corrupted with Fables and Superftitions. Moreover, the Lives of men carne now to be much fhortened : For before the Flood they lived eight or nine hundred years; after theFlood but four or five hundred years. Aboutthe time of Peleg, when the Tower of Babel was built, there was a further decurtation of mens Lives unto two hundred years or therea- bout. And laílly,in Mofes his time, unto threefcore and ten or therea- bout,and there it hath flood ever fnce. Moreover there was a confufion ofLanguages, which did much increafe the Darknefs, and obftruû the Communication and Diffufion ofLight among them. The wayof Oral Tradition is a very infufficient way, and found by experience fo to be, as upon other accounts, fo upon theft occurring at this time. z. In general, The Knowledge of God in a manner loft. 2. TheShortning.of mens Lives. 3. The Confution of Tongues. Upon- all which Occurrences the Lord thought it fit to intruft his Truth no longer with the frail and carelefs Memories of men; but to leave it upon Record in Writing, a much fafer and finer way for the Prefervation and the Propagation of it. There is a threefold advantage of this way. r. It is an help to theweaknefs ofMemory: For ifa thing be written,, there it is, and a manmay recall it by reading, when he <loth not well remember it. 2. For the further Propagation and Diffufion ofthe Light: for there may be opportunity of writing ;to per-fens abfent,,;Min after times, who may, read, when they .have npt;opportupit4 ofhea.gg. 3. ;To-prevent Corruption In the way of ViralTradition.fotne may fay one thing and foine another, ° -z. A