8 The Gofpel Preached under the OW him and Labatt, infteadof any Articles in Writing between them; or figningor fealingof it, they only Brea an heap of Stones, as Monuments of remembranceof it, Gen. 31. 45. &c. And the Invention is foadmirable, that it feems to tranfcend all humane Wit and Induftry. The reducing of all audible and articulate Sounds unto vifible Marks ; and that in fo familiar and Ihorta way, by twenty or thirty Letters, without any further load to theMemory : Wemay well afcribe it unto God himfelf, as the Meted Author and Inventor of it ; to help his poor People to, and in the knowledg of himfelf : According to that in Prov..8. r 2. IWifdom drreti with Prudence, and find out knowledge of witty Inventions. 3, The Lordaccepted the whole Nation to be bis ownpeculiar People, ere&- ing a glorious Frame and Fabrick of Church and Common-wealth a- mongft them ; wherein the Lord himfelfwas King, and did immediately preliide ; and therefore it bath been fitly called a Theocracy : fo Gideon udg. 8. 23. Tb. Lord ¡hall rule over you : lfai. 57. 16. that I may plant the 1-leavens, and lay the Foundations ofthe Earth, and fay unto Zion, thou art my People. 4. Hegave them glorious andviable Symbols and Tokens ofhis Pretence amongft them, walking before them in a Pillar of Cloud and Fire, Exod. c 3, 21, 22. which Pillar relied upon the Tabernacle after it was Built, .Exod. ult. ult. which alto was a Symbol of his Prefencewith them: And fo was the Ark, and the Manna from Heaven, Exod. 16. 14i r 5. with the Rock that followed them, Exod. t7.6. a Cor. 10 4. 5.. The Lord himfelf conduced and led them through the Defarts of Arabia by the Hand of M%s; and into the Land of Promife by the Hand of Yo¡huah, dryingup Gordan for them, fubduing the Inhabitants before them, railing up Judges and Rulers for them ; and finally training them up by many inftrucîing Providences to fit them for the further Mercies he had yet in ftrre for them. . One would think all things were nowwell fetled; but there were two or threethings, partly defefts in this Difpenfation it felf,and partly force provokingevils on their part under it ;by reafon whereoftheLordbrought ina further and an higher Difpenfation afterwards. r . There had been ftrange Rebellions and Provocations in the Wildernefs, which havehad an influence into all the forrows and troubles that have befallen them ever fnce. Murmuring against God. Mutinying againft Mofes and Aaron, which the Lord took very hainoufly; and thereforedeftroyedCorab, Pathanand Abiramby miracle. For todifobey the tuft Commands ofa lawful Magiftrate, is to rebel againft Godhimfelf. And above all, Idolatry; Exod. 32. 34, 35. In the day when ,.vi /it, Iwilt ifat.their Sinupon them, and the Lord plagued the people, becaufe they made the