Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

40 The Gofpel Preached under the Old And now one would think they had been fettled in fuch a condition as might have stood for ever. But the Apofbacies wereverygreat, which brought this high and profperous Difpenfation to an end, to a fad end. For, r. The Peoples hearts being not fo with God as became a people crowned with fuch Glory, God left them and their Princes, the first and wifeít of them, thevery Founders of their Kingdom and Temple, unto very great and enormous tranfgreflions. David committed Adultery and Murther,avery unparallel'd cafe; for which the Lord threatneth, the Sword fhould never depart from his Houfe. Solomon was left to the toleration of the publick exercifeof Idolatry, for which God rent away the Ten Tribesfrom his Pofterity : all which came to pafs, as for other caufes, fo for the Sins of the People. As is Paid in a lefs tranfgreffion of David, .2 Sam. 34. 7. And the Anger ofthe Lord was kindled againft ifrael, and be moved David againft them,tofay, Go number Ifrael and Judah. 2. The ten Tribes under jeroboam forfook theTemple and the Houfe of David ; which, tho' as to God's Providence, it was a righteous Judgment ; yet on their part it was a grievous fin; it was a complicated Sin,. many Sins involved in the bowels of ít; for it was both Rebelli- on, and Schifm, and Herefie; Rebellion againft their lawful Prince, Schifm from the true Church and Worfhip yea fundamental Herefie :. For as they fay,Look to thy Houfe ODavid : fo in reje&ing Davids Houfe, they rejeO the Mefliah, who was to come of him, 2 Cbron. t o. 16. 3. Therewere continual Backfliíings to Idolatry, even in 7udah, as well as Ifrael; yea when they law th° Ten Tribes carried away before their eyes for this Sin; yet theother would not takewarning and reform, Ezek. 23. to, t t -- Aholab lignifies a Tent; this was the Haute of ¡frael, who were a corrupt Church : Aholibah liignifies, my Tent is in her ; this was Yudah, which were the true Church of God ; but they declinedand departed from God fo far, that he Pent them away to Babylon. 3. And fo wecome to the third Difpenfation under the Law, namely,the time of their Captivity amend Bondage under the Yoke of Babydon. There were three Deportations. r. 5teboiakims, in whofe time Daniel 2. 7echnniabs, in whofe time Ezekiel was carried captive. 3. Zedekias, in whofe time Yeremiah They had now an experimental knowledge of the truth of all God's Threatnings. Yet during the time of this AffiiQion, theLord did not call off his care of them; but gave forth many Evidences of his unchangeable Love and Faithfulnefs toward them, under this fad .pifpenfation. a, In