Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

reflament, atfuntig 4S" îng exercifed under the Mofaical Pedagogy,fo long together, they were thereby prepared to welcom the Gofpel more gladly when it came.. How glorioufly and joyfully was it entertained, when they had waited for it about four thoufand years ! With what Triumphings in God ! That now theyJaw that which Kings and Prophets and righteous men have defied tofee, but it had not been granted to them. See Luke 10 23, 24.. That which all the Prophets had fpoken offine the Worldbegan; Luke r. 70. A. 3. 2,4e.. The Myftery that bad been bid fromAges and bienerations, Col. i. 26. 4. A fourth Condefcention of the Lordherein is this. By therevarie- ties of Difpenfation the Lord provides to have his Truth fet on with all kind of Arguments, yea withArguments of peculiar concernment and fuitable- nefs to take with us. As Mores to the Jews. TheLord made not this Cove- nant with our Fathers but with us, Deut. 5, 3. AndManna which tby Fathers knew not, Deut. 8, r 6. So Chrift, Yob. 2. 34.. A newCommandmentgive I unto you. And the Apoftle r Yoh. 13. 8. A newCommandment I write unto you.. It was an old. Commandment, but fet out in a newdrefs,, given forth ina newmanner. The Lord adorns his Truths with newOrnaments;.as it were, that men may beexcited to inquiries and AfFeaions fuitable. Hence in every Age there be in one refpe&or other newDifcoveries,or newDifpenfations and Dealings ofGod with his People. Or if men be taken withAntiquity, t Yob` 2.7. 1 write no new Commandment :i- but an old Commandment for the fubftance, of things The good old wayofFaith and Idolinefs remains, which all the Saints of God have gone to Heaven:. i-n, lieb. t 1. he thews, the fame Race, which he fets before them, had.. beenrun by all the Saints,fromAbel, cap. 12. 1. being compafj'ed about with fogreat a Cloud ofWitneffes, let us run our race that is fet-before us-: as if he.. lhould fay ; I exhort you to nothing, but what all thofe Saints ofold have, done before you : and. yet ver. q.a. he profeffeth God hath better things for them, au,higher and better Difpenfation : and cap. 12. 18.Te are not , come. to .kount Sinai ; butye are come to Mount Sion, ver. 22. herehe fetches, an argument from this variety of Difpenfation, and from the , prehe. minenceof that which they were under above former times. Reaf 2. For bis own.greater Glory,. And under this headmany things, come in tobe confidered. This various andgradual Difpenfationtends,, to his greater Glory divers ways:; 1. That theremay bean harmony, between- thinand theother Wborks . of God. 2. To Phew the ineftimable-Worth-and Glory ofthe- Myftery oftiler.- Gofpel ofhis Son.: 3. To manifeft the variety of his Wifdom. 4, His abfolute Liberty:, And,