Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

48 The Gofpel Preachedunderlhe Old opened his eyes, to fpy the Sun of Righteoufnefs peepingup; and caufed him then to rejoyce to fee Chrift's Day : That his Fleece was wet,when the reit of the Earthwas dry ; his Heart drawn after God and Chrift, when themeans were fo fcant and fmall. One Believer willbiefs God, thatthe Lord was known to him by his NameYebbovah : Another will admire that he did enable him to believe on God Almighty. Some will biefs him, that they have feen the Accomplifhment of his Promifes and Predictions; and not one thinghath failed ofall the Good that Godbath*ken, as fofh. 23. 14. Another under former Difpenfations will admire,that his Heart waswrought toembrace the Promifes afar off, and that the Lord made Faith to him, o be the rubítanceof things not feen. Beloved, the Lordmakes his Goodnefs fpecial and peculiar , byvariety .of Difpenfations, even toBelievers living in the fame age, and in the fameplace : that though in general they be all alike made partakers of the fame common Salvation ; yet fuch variety there is in the Lords dealingswith them, in regard ofCircumftances ; that in one refpect or other, in regard of one circumftance or other, every one bath experience of peculiar loving Kindnefs, fingular (trains of Mercy; that he can fay with Paul, never fuch apattern ofMercy ; I have more tobiefs God for, than any other in all the world betide. It is fo, much more in feveral ages: So that look as that varietyof Wifdom, in fo many-feveral things before noted, did declare the infinitenefs of God's Wifdom': So in like manner there various kinds and ways of Goodnefs, being all laid together, will yield the luftre of infinite Goodnefs, fo far as finite Creatures can containor conceive it. I fay, when all the particulars are computed, and put together in one fumTotal (as they shall be, when that general Affembly ofall the Saints and Angels shall meet together atrthe great Day, when they (hall all compare Notes as it were.) It will then ap- pear, that there is no channel wherein Mercy bath not run, no ex- prefion of lovingKindnefs that hath been omitted : So manifold have his Difpenfations been, that every Age, and every Perfon thall be able to bring in their feveral and peculiar portions into the common Trea- fury of God's Mercies and Praifes ; and they (hall all fay and fing to- :ther that SongofPraifes in Pfal. 40. 5. Many, O Lordmy God, are thy wonderful Works which thou haft done, and thy Thoughts which are to us- ward : Theycannot be reckoned up in order unto thee : If 1would declare and f peak ofthem,' they are more than can be s umbred. 14hall conclude, for theprefent, with three words, of life both from what bath been faid to day, and in the 'aft Difcourfe upon this Sub- ic I. We