Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

58 The Gofpel of the perfonal Types. So %ónas is called a partial Type, becaufe he fhadowed forth the Mef: flab in that one thing, his abidingtwo or three days in the Grave, and then riling again. David, fome gall him a totalType, in regard that the whole Hiflory of his Lifehath fo great a fhadowand reprefentation of Chrift the true David. But yet, if we fpeak rigidly, and properly, David himfelf was but a partial Type > For he was only a Prophet and a King ;. he was not a .Prieft ; but Chrifl was both Prophet, Prieft and King.. Mofes indeed was a Prophet, a Prieft, and a King ; but his Prieft- hood continued only till Aaron was confecrated, then Mofes laid it down. And Mofes didmediate between God and the People as a Tro- phet, to interpret the Mind of God to them ; and as a King or a judge to Govern them, and as an Interceffor to pray for them ; but not by giving himfelfa Sacrifice unto Death for expiation of their Sins : He was a Mediator ob interpretandi & docendi oicium : But not ob fatisfacien. di beneficium, as force exprefs it. Therefore Mofes himfelf was but a partial Type, a Type only ratione rei in regard of Redemption and Deli- verance; but not ratione modi ; he did not çlo it by fhedding his Blood, and laying down his Life as Chrift did. Hence we muff take heed of !training the Types too far, to make them agree in that wherein indeed there is a difparity or difagreement : If the Typego with us one Mile, or rather with the_Antitype one Mile, we muff not conftrainit to go twain. 3, The third thing propounded to be fpoken to, was the.Differences and Agreements between a Typeand other things of like Nature: That fo we May diftinguifh and difcern the things that differ. I. !hall Instance here only in four Things,that are partly of the fame Nature with the Types, but yet not exaaly the famé. x , The difference between a Typeand a Simile. AType doth belong indeed to that Argument or Notion in Logick : But with this diitinai- which will Phew you the difference between them ; that there is Ty- pus arbitrarias and Typusfixas sb' inflitatas. An arbitrary Type is a fimi- Etude or comparifon. So Marriage is a fimilitude or comparifon, by whichthe ApofflePets out the myftical Union between Chrift and the Church, Ephef. 5. But yet Marriage is not a Type. For then we (hall cake it aSacrament,, as the Papifts do Youknow it was inftituted for another end before the Gofpel came into the World : It is a Sign, but nota Sacrament. For by that Argument we fhould have a thoufand Sacraments. So Riders on white Horfes are refmblances ufed in Scripture to fet flut and the Angels but yet not properly Types of`them And : the