Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

64 The Gofpel of the perfonal Types. Man be Wicked ; but if (angle Perfons be Types, they malt needs be holy Men. 2. Whereas thefe holy Men had their Failings; 'They were not Types of Chrift in regard of their finfrd Failings; but only in their Graces and Eqs. cellencies. For Sin cannot be a Type of Holinefs : Therein they were not like, but unlike to Jefus Chrift the Antitype. 3. When Typical perlons had real Types belonging to them (as oftentimes they had ) we ¡hall (peak to both together : At lean where they cannot be better andmore conveniently referred toTome other Place. As for inftance, Noah's Ark was a Type, as well as he himfelf. Therefore we !hall fpeak to that, when we fpeak of Noah, as being a Circumflance, and a part of his Hiltory, which was tho' a true and real, yet withal a Typical Hillary. 4. Thefe typical Perlons, the highelt and molt eminent of them, were but partial Types : Therefore together with the Analogy between them and the Antitype, we !hall fometimes, where we fee it needful, Note alto the difparity and difproportion that was between them. That you may feehow far the Shadows fell fhort of the Subftance, and how the Antitype excels the Type. And we (hall not mention all, but only fame of the chief and molt illuftrions. And becaufe there be divers of them, we fhall.rank them, for Method and Memory's Sake, into two Claffes. . The perfonal Types that were before the Law. 2. under the Law. s. Before the Law. Here I !hall inftance only in eight Perfons, namely, Adam, Enoch, Noah, 'Melchizedek, Abraham, Ifaac Yacob, and lofeph. s. Adam. He was the firft Type ofChrift intheWorld. That he was a Type of Chrift is clear from exprefs Scriptures. The Text, Rom. s. t 4. Who is the Typeof him that was to come, and i Cor. 15. 45. The firft Man Adam was made a living Soul, the Taft Adam was made a quickening Spirit. Now to Thew you the Analogy, wherein Adam did referable and reprefent the Lord Jefus Chrift. s. It was chiefly in regard of his Headfhip and influence, Adam and Chrift both flood inflead of all that belonged to them. Adam was the Head of the firft Covenant, Yefus Chrift is the Head of the fecond Covenant. Adam was the Covenant Root and Head of all Mankind, a Publick and Common Perfon, reprefenting them ; yea an Under- taker for them. What they fay vainly of the Pope, that he is the 'March-Reprefentative, may be truly faid of Adam; He was the Repre- Tentative