Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

v The Gofpel of the'perfonal Types. 65 f ntative of the whole World ; as a Parliament Man aáing in the Name of the Town or Country that chofe him : He finning, we fin- ned in him ; he being condemned, we are condemned in him : So Chrift is the Head of the fecond Covenant, and of his Elea, who are involved and wrapt up therein : He bath undertaken for them, and prefented them to the Father, Ephef. 2. 16. in one Body : Therefore when he died we died with him ; when Chrift was crucified, our Sins were nailed to his Crofs, and crucified and buried as it were in his Grave. if he arife, we rife with him, todie nomore. His Influence is to all his Seed. For both Adams have a Seed. As Adam : So Chrift, Ifa. 53. 10. He fhatl fie his Seed----He communicates to them what he bath : Sodoth Chrift what he hath. Adam conveys and communicates Sin and Death : But Chrift Righ- teoufnefs and Life. Adam brought in thefe two great Intruders and Ufurpers, Sin and Death, into the World. And as Adam conveys Sin to thofe that had not finned actually, fo did Chrift conveigh Righ- teoufnefs to thofe that had not wrought Righteoufnefs. As in the Text, Rom. 5. 54. with Rom.. 9. 301 31. The Gentiles which followed not after Righteoufnefs, have attained to Rigbteoufnefs. As foon as there is an Union between Soul and Body, Adams Sin is imputed to his Seed : So, as foon as there is a Myftical Union between Chrift and the Soul by the Spirit of Faith, fo foon is Chrift's Righteoufnefs imputed. There be fome other Confiderations may be added unto this. 2. The Apoftle feems to make Adam's Dominion over the Credtures, a Shadow ofCurio's Dominion and Kingdom, Gen. 2. 19, 20. Pfal. 8.6. compared with Heb. 2. 6, 7,8, 9. 3. His Relation to Eve. She was taken out ofhis Side, while Adam" was afleep, and afterwards married tohim, Gen. z. 21. fo the Church is taken out of Chrift's Side, while he was in the Sleep of Death, and joined to him as his Spoufe by the Covenant of Grace, 2 con, s i. 2. I bave efpoufed you to one Husbancdi that I may prefent you as a chaft Virgin to Chrift, Ephef. 5. 3o, 31. ire are Members of his Body, of his Pie/h, and of his Bones While Chrift dies, his Church re- ceives Life, and the which lives only by him, her bath he efpoufed to himfelf inTruth MercyandRighteoufnefs, Hof. 2. The Church is both EiNfam ô Objet um Redemptionï-s, the Effe& and theObjea of Redemption, The Effect, He died to putchafe to himfelf a Church, a peculiar People, Tit. 2. 54. The Objea, he gave himfelffor the Church, Ephef.' 5.25. But yet it follows not, that Marriage tis a Sacrament , tho' Adam's Marriage had fuck a Sacramental or typical Notion put upon it, he K being a