82 PARADISE LOST. Boox Ilfb But firft he cans to change his proper thape, Which elfe might work him danger or delay : 635 And now a (tripling Cherub he appears, Not of the prime, yet fuch as in his face Youth frnird cceleflial, and to ev'ry limb Suitable grace diffus'd, fo well he fe.ign'd. Under a coronet his flowing hair 640 In curls on either cheek play'd; wings he wore Of many a color'd plume, fprinkled with gold : His habit fit for fpeed fuccind, and held Before his decent fteps a flyer wand. He drew not nigh unheard, the Angel bright, 645 E'er he drew nigh, his radiant vifage turn'd, Admoniffi'd by his ear ; and (trait was known 'rh' Arch-Angel Uriel, one of the fev'n Who in God's pretence, neareft to his throne Stand ready to command, and are his eyes 65o That run thro' all the heav'ns, or down to th' earth Bear his fwift errands over moift and dry, O'er lea and land : him Satan thus accotla. Uriel, for thou of thole fev'n fpirits that itand In fight of God's high throne, glorioufly bright, 655 The firft art wont his great authentic will Interpreter through higheft heav'n to bring, Where all his fons thy embaffie attend And here art likelieft by fupreme decree Like honor to obtain ; and as his eye, To vifit oft this new creation round : Unfpeakable refire to fee, and know All thefe his wondrous works, but chiefly man, His chief delight and favor, him for whom All thefe his works fo wondrous he ordain'd, 665 Hath brought me from the quires of Cherubim Alone thus wandring, brighteft Seraph, tell 66o