Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

MIL TO N't PARADISE LOST I N T W E L V E /30 0 k. Sm BOOk IV. IF0R that warning voice, which he *he] favto Th' Apocalyps heard cry in heav'n aloud, Then when the Dragon, put to fecond rout, Came furious down to be reveng'd on men, " Wo to th' inhabitants on earth !" that now While time was, our firft parents had been warn'd The coming of their fecret foe, and fcap'd Haply fo fcap'd his mortal fnare: for now Satan, now fira ioflam'd with rage, came down, The tempter e'er th' accufer of mankind, To wreak od innocent frail man his Iofs Of that firft battel, and his flight to hell Yet not rejoying in his fpeed though bold; Far off and fearlefs, nor with mule to boaft, 0 Begint Qsamer=sezer.rilliati