Boole IV. PARADISE LOST. 93 (For heav'nly minds from filch diflempers foul Are ever clear ) Whereof he foon aware, Each perturbation finooth'd with outward calm, ie.° Artificer of fraud ; and was the firff That pradis'd falfhood under faintly thew, Deep malice to conceal, coucht with revenge. Yet not enough had pradis'd to deceive Uriel once warn'd ; whole eye purfu'd him down 125 The way he went, and on th' Affyrian mount Saw hma disfigur'd, more than could befall Spirit of happy fort : his geilures fierce Be mark'd, and mad demeanor, then alone, As he fuppos'd, all unobferv'd, unfeen. bo on he fares, and to the border conies Of Eden, where delicious Paradife, Now nearer, crowns with her enclofure green, As with a -rural mound, the champion head Of a ticep wildernefs ; whole hairy fides 135 l'-eVA thicket overgown, grotelque and wild, Accels cieny'cl t and over head up grew :rifi.pevable height of loftietI thade, Cedar, and pine, and fir, and branching palm, A fylvan icene ; and as the ranks afcend 14° Shade above fhade, a woody theatre Of tlaielied view, Yet higher than their tops The verdtkrous wall of Paradife up-iprung Which to our general fire gave profpecTt large Into his neather empire, neighb'ring round, 145 And higher than that wall a circling,row Of goodlieft trees, loaden with faired fruit, Bloffoms and fruits at once of golden hue, Appear'd, with gay enamel'd colors mix'd : On which the fun more glad imprefs'd his beams, IS:) Than in fair evening cloud, or humid bow, When God bath fhow'rd the earth; fo lovely feem'd That 130