Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

96 PARADISE LOST. BooK.W. Knowledge of good bought dear by knowing ill ! Southward through Eden went a river large, Nor chang'd his courfe, but through the shaggy hill Pafs'd underneath ingulf 'el; for God had thrown 225 That mountain as his garden mound high rais'd Upon the rapid current, which through veins Of porous earth with kindly third up drawn, Role a frefh fountain, and with many a rid 'Water's the garden ; thence united fell 23o Down the deep glade, and met the neather flood Which from his darkfome paffage now appears And now divided into four main dreams, Runs divers, wandring many a famous realm And country, whereof here needs no account ; 235 But rather to tell how, (if art could tell How) from that faphire fount the crifped brooks, Rowling on orient pearl and lands of gold, With mazy error under pendent ihades Ran Nectar, vifiting each plant, and fed 240 Flow'rs worthy of Paradife, which not nice art In beds and curious knots, but nature boon Pour'd forth profufe on hill, and dale, and plain, Both where the morning fun firft warmly tmoce The open field, and where the unpierc'd fhade 245 Imbrown'd the noon-tide bow'rs. Thus was this place, A happy rural feat of various view Groves whole rich trees wept od'rous gums, and balm ; Others whore fruit burnifh'd with golden rind Hung amiable, Hefperian fables true, 250 If true, here only, and of delicious tafte. Betwixt them lawns, or level downs, and flocks Grazing the tender herb, were interpos'd, Or palmy hilloc, or the flow'ry lap Of tome irriguous valley tpread her flore ; 255 Flow'rs of all hue, and without thorn the rofc. Another