Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

104 PARADISE LOST, BOOK IV, Both of her beauty and fubmitlive charms Smil'd with fuperior love, as Jupiter On Juno fmiles, when he impregns the clouds soo That flied May flow'rs ; and prefs'd her matron lip With kiffes pure : afide the devil- turn'd For envy, yet with jealous leer malign Ey'd them askance, and to himfelf thus plain'd. Sight hateful, fight tormenting 1 thus thefe two 505 Imparadis'd in one anothers arms, (The happier Eden) (hall enjoy their fill Of blifs on blifs, while I to hell am thruff, Where neither joy nor love, but fierce defire, (Among our other torments not the leaft) 510 Still unfulfill'd with pain of longing, pines. Yet let me not forget what I have gain'd From their own mouths ; all is not theirs it feems One fatal Tree there (lands of Knowledge call'd, Forbidden them to talk : Knowledge forbidden ? 515 Sufpicious, reafonlefs. Whv thould their Lord Envy them that ? can it be fin to know ? Can it be death ? and do they only (land By ignorance ? is that their happy (late, The proof of their obedience and their faith ? 520 O fair foundation laid whereon to build Their ruin I hence I will excite their minds With more defire to know, and to rejed Envious commands, invented with design To keep them low whom knowledge might exalt 525 Equal with Gods ; afpiring to be fuch, They tafte and die : what likelier can enfue ? But hilt with narrow tearch I mutt walk round . This garden, and no corner leave untpy'd ; A chance but chance may lead where I may meet 530 Some wandring fpirit of heav'n, by fountain fide, Or